Haibun – Sparkling Snowflakes!

Snowflakes, Snow, Snowfall, Snowing, Winter, Cold, Icy

My face peers through the window, I watch the misty horizon. A hazy sheen envelopes the panoramic whiteness of the landscape. The snow pirouettes with nimble balletic grace, like a crystalline diamond, oozing a glistening oomph, painting a sparkling lacey spectacle. They glow beneath the reflective light of the glass, basking under the mellow spotlight, before gently kissing the alabaster carpet, in a magical embrace.

snowflakes caress panes

kaleidoscopic patterns

bejeweled motifs

Frank from dVerse asks us to write a haibun about winter

Eugi’s weekly prompt : Caress

The Party!

round water drop photo
Aaron Burden@unsplash.com

Sequined silver tropes line the rimed leaves

creates a bejeweled pattern of prismatic mosaic.

Snowflakes cascades with balletic oomph

frozen rhapsody celebrates the winter carnival,

luminous tinsel reflections sparkle.

A lone Vesper in the dark empyrean,

 dazzles a twinkling smile,

enjoying the seasonal party.

Written for dVerse. Today’s host, Mish says: Write a poem of exactly 44 words (excluding the title) for the prompt word “tinsel”.