Haibun – Sparkling Snowflakes!

Snowflakes, Snow, Snowfall, Snowing, Winter, Cold, Icy

My face peers through the window, I watch the misty horizon. A hazy sheen envelopes the panoramic whiteness of the landscape. The snow pirouettes with nimble balletic grace, like a crystalline diamond, oozing a glistening oomph, painting a sparkling lacey spectacle. They glow beneath the reflective light of the glass, basking under the mellow spotlight, before gently kissing the alabaster carpet, in a magical embrace.

snowflakes caress panes

kaleidoscopic patterns

bejeweled motifs

Frank from dVerse asks us to write a haibun about winter

Eugi’s weekly prompt : Caress

The starlit night sky..


Living in the city, I am used to the harsh glare of the neon lights. Above the bright lights, the night sky paints such an insipid, dull picture in monochrome.  The stars seem to be in hiding under a blanket of a smoky veil. They fail to sparkle to their full potential. I always felt that the star studded night sky could only be seen in movies or books. But this picture changed a few years back. Let me recount that sparkling beauty of the starry night I witnessed.

A few years ago, we had been to a temple located in the interior parts of Karnataka. Nestled amidst the nature’s flora and fauna, the temple resonated a spiritual aura.  There were cottages for the visitors to stay. Basic necessities, religious fervour and simple food defined the life there. It gave one a chance to connect with the lord and disconnect with the chaos of the city 😉

We retired to our cottages in the night after a modest meal, simple yet so tasty. We had just gone to bed when the power went off. Being quite hot indoors, we decided to sit outside till the power came back.

Stepping out, the warm summer breeze, the natural woody fragrance of the forest trees, loud chirps of the insects nearby in the quiet of the night, greeted us. We sat there on the porch, being lulled in mother nature’s lap. The ambiance was such a contrast to the din of the city.  A look up at the night sky left us in awe.

Never had I experienced the beauty of the velvety blackness of the starlit sky. Like tiny glowing snowflakes they filled in the entire expanse. It appeared as if the sky had covered itself with a glittering blanket. Constellations which I had seen only in the books, were magically up in the sky.  I just sat there gazing at the shimmering night canvas, soaking in its brilliant beauty, enjoying the starry music and watching the celestial twinkling dance of the twinkling stars.

Time stood still under that beautiful starry night. The picture of the luminous starlit sky is still painted fresh in my mind. I am sure many of you have been lucky enough to witness the beauty of the starlit night sky. Do paint the picture through your words, of a mesmerising starry night you experienced.