The king of Street Food – Pani Puri*

Pani Puri, Spicy, Fresh, Homemade, Street Food, Chats

Deep fried crepes, all puffed up crisp,

with a fragile vulnerable layer on top.

A gentle tap of the finger on it,

pierces and prepares it to welcome

an amalgam of mashed potatoes, boiled chickpeas

drenched in a pool of minty tamarind water,

seasoned with an array of emotional spices.

In goes the loaded globule, into the salivating mouth

waiting in earnest, to experience zesty sensations.

The eclectic mix of spicy, acidic flavors seep in,

 the palate savors delectable ecstasy.

Appetence vanquishes control,

the relay of gorging on this gastronomical indulgence continues,

till it reaches a gustatory nirvana!

  • *Pani puri is a popular Indian street food. You can read more about it here.

Written for dVerse poetics : Food