Mana – The last Indian Village


The dawn of 17 May 2013 was a memorable one. The darshan at the holy shrine of Badrinath rejuvenated our soul with spiritual bliss.

After recharging our souls, it was time to recharge the body too. We stopped by a local eatery for some hot breakfast. Then we headed out to Mana, a mere 3 kms from there.


The excitement among us was palpable as Mana is the last village of India. Located in the Chamoli district of Uttarakhand at an altitude of 3200 meters, it is 24 kms from the India and Tibet/China border. A small population of about 600 inhabit the place.

On the onset of winter, the entire area gets covered with a blanket of snow. The weather becomes very hostile for survival.  The villagers then migrate to the lower plains from October to April.


Their houses typically are made of stones and plastered with mud. They have slate tiled sloping roofs. Most houses have kitchen gardens where they primarily grow spinach, potato and cauliflower for their livelihood. The women are endowed with fine craft skills. Their adept fingers knit beautiful sweaters, shawls, caps, mufflers and carpets which find many takers.


A shop there having the distinction of being the last Indian shop. People generally buy a drink or some eatable to tell the folks back home that they shopped from there!

Just a few meters away from the shop, the Saraswati River merges with the Alaknanda. Further ahead is a cave called Vyas Guha where it is believed that sage Veda Vyasa resided and composed the entire Mahabharata.


After spending about an hour there, capturing moments to carry with us, we headed back. Today writing this post has taken me back on that beautiful trip down the memory lane!



73 thoughts on “Mana – The last Indian Village”

    1. Yes Sreejith it was an experience to cherish a life time.
      Like I had written in the post the entire area is inaccessible due to harsh weather conditions from Oct to April. Villagers then migrate to the lower plains and head back to Mana in May.

      Liked by 1 person

  1. It gave me goosebumps to read about the last village, the last shop on the Indian border, though boundaries are man made, it does give us a sense of ownership. So, what did you buy as a souvenir Radhika?
    The pics are breathtaking and I could feel the magnificent roar of the Alakananda!

    Liked by 2 people

      1. The pictures are lovely!! We went to Badrinath twice but never went to Mana. Not sure if the chance will ever come again, but if it does I won’t miss this place for sure. 😊

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Beautiful piece as always. I went there 20 years ago. My mother did it onfoot
    some 60 years ago when there were no organized tours like now.She gottt
    seperated from the group and it was nothing short of miracle that a swamy
    found her and she could rejoin the group.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Wow! Truly nothing short of a miracle. Guess that’s how HE blesses his true devotees. Now even after so much development the path is so difficult. I can imagine how treacherous the path must have been then.Salute your spirit for undertaking the journey back then!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Lovely pics Radhika… it must be a endearing experience for sure…I didn’t know there is a place called Mana n it’s a last village ??? … nice narration makes us feel we went there too 😊❤️❤️❤️

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