3 day Quote challenge – Day 2


Thanks Sasha for nominating me for the 3 Day quote challenge!

Age is just a number they say!

How true it is with some people.

My aunt was married at a young age. Settling down into the routine of a housewife, children and all other commitments that follow came naturally to her. But she always had that burning desire to do something in her life.

Time flew. Kids grew up, got married and left the nest. It was then she completed her studies and did her post graduation, at the age of 55. After the death of my uncle she has been living with her kids, shuttling between US and India.She speaks excellent English. She has donned many hats with elan. A voracious reader and a singer, she composed many songs and set them to music. A lady with an artistic bent of mind, she has created beautiful items of art and craft….. a multi faceted personality indeed!

Today, at the age of 75. She is preparing to take up her Sanskrit Examination. She  is also learning Tamil so that she can read their rich literary work. She is spiritually inclined having an in depth knowledge of all our great scriptures.

She does not take a nap in the afternoons, keeps herself fully occupied doing the things she enjoys, doesn’t let an iota of laziness wander around her. Her zeal and enthusiasm to learn new things and her zest for life can put many youngsters to shame. She exhibits a very positive attitude towards life.Truly an inspiration to all !

Image courtesy : pinterest.com

60 thoughts on “3 day Quote challenge – Day 2”

  1. Yes, it is the body that grows old with age. It is the mind that gives passing time a number….. in terms of age. Mind by itself is timeless.

    You have put it across in a lucid dimension with the example of your aunt.

    Simply beautiful.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Very inspiring, Radhika. All the best to your aunt for every other endeavour that awaits her. It is heartwarming and inspirational to see and be amonst such wonderful human beings. Thank you for sharing.


  3. Wow…and here we crib and complain about the time and opportunities lost! 😦
    She is a real inspiration. May God give her a long and healthy life and let her realise all her dreams.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Inspirational, motivational and full of life! Thanks for sharing your Aun’t story! It gave me a clue and inspired me too, for how to cope up with growing age and that too while inspiring others! Excellent!
    Say my hello to such a great lady Radhika! 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

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