

Isn’t it an irony of life,

avarice and greed

steers some lives,

to amass, accumulate and hoard,

money, money and more money,

in anticipation,

that it will ensure a ticket,

for a lavish life for generations to come,

only to realize

in a single moment,

it is nothing but scrap of paper!

In response to the daily prompt : Anticipation

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54 thoughts on “Anticipation”

    1. Actually this step was required to clean up the mess our country was in…….yes the poor are facing tough days, but so are some of the other fish caught in the net. The mess of cleaning up a corrupt system of 70 years will take a while.

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Apt for the times ! Well done Radhika . And with Christmas round the corner and no cash ( sigh ) am waiting in anticipation to see if santa fills my stocking with a few hundreds ..precious !

    Liked by 2 people

      1. Thank you for those wishes . Just busy with preps and renovation and the bump only slows you down . So one day at a time !

        Liked by 1 person

  2. A perfect write-up in regards to Demonetization.
    Demonetization must have fallen like a lightning on people with black money (I know people who don’t have black money also suffered cause of it).


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