Tanka – Earth & Water

ic: http://www.pixabay.com

Called a blue planet

majestic aqua oceans

kindling its own symphony

waves ebbing in harmony

with the footprints on the shore!


In response to Colleens weekly  poetry challenge #26 – Earth and Water

I have used the synonyms planet and aqua in their place.

28 thoughts on “Tanka – Earth & Water”

  1. Hi Radhika
    Kudos to you for coming up with these beautiful compositions! It takes a lot of skill and you my dear are brimming with so much of talent. I love stopping by your blog and reading through your writing:-)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You made my day Divya! You truly flatter me. I am my biggest critic and always feel there is tremendous scope for improvement. I am learning a lot from some wonderful bloggers like you!
      Thanks a ton for your compliment dear 💖🤗

      Liked by 1 person

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