WPC – Bridges


Let’s build bridges

to connect people

to create memories

to reduce distances

to spread smiles

to tide challenges

to foster friendship

to bury differences

to realise dreams

to love all.

Let’s join hands to build

these beautiful bridges!

Ram Jhoola, Rishikesh


68 thoughts on “WPC – Bridges”

  1. It’s an amazing reflection weaved in a simple manner to connect the thread. The picture may be of contrasting lands but touches the heart in the right place…human chain connects the point of travel in building the bridge of life.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Radhika,
    It is awe inspiring.
    It deserves to be adopted as a “Shanti mantra”(peace chant for universal brotherhood) chorused at the end of the session by any mediators’ group. It would be a refreshing breeze of intonation to invoke and spread happiness,harmony and peace.
    May i request any of your followers on the blog to translate it into Sanskrit? Just to give give it a shade of “austerity”to join the ranks?
    Hope i am not being audacious and getting carried away in my enthusiasm!!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Whoa! That is a huge compliment. Heartfelt thanks for that. 💖
      But yes, it is a wonderful idea to incorporate this not only as a chant but also in action through example.
      If the younger generation all around the world adopts this I am sure peace will prevail.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. We appreciate your work , We also appreciate if you FOLLOW US to increase the amount of LIKES on your FRESH posts . The people on our TEAM like and SHARE good posts regularly.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Mam I don’t understand but I’m not getting any option to like or approve below your replies. Only comment box is shown. Why is it so?


      2. Are you checking on your wp app on phone or on your laptop? With my phone even I am facing this problem since the last few days.
        Also wanted to know is this problem only for my blog or all the blogs you follow?


      3. I’m using it on WordPress app in my phone and the problem is occurring on your blog since yesterday.. earlier it was fine and with other blogs it is still fine..


      4. What can I say mam..even I have no idea..I could have taken a screenshot to show you but how will I attach here..that’s the problem..
        This problem is with your blog only..no like or approve options..


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