WPC – Weathered

A monumental marvel, once upon a time,

standing tall, an imposing structure,

its vibrant past reverberated with laughter and mirth

the vagaries of time dealt a cruel blow

its colourful history now a faded memory

weathered and bruised by many a storm

aged and in ruins, defeated and broken

it holds on to the threads of pain

losing its soul amidst the seasons gone by!


These are pictures of Mandu Fort in Madhya Pradesh, India.

46 thoughts on “WPC – Weathered”

    1. A thought that made me think Miriam. The soul which shone beautifully in it’s days of glory. Today maybe it’s lost some of it’s sheen. But you are right. It’s not died as yet. That’s why one can still feel the connect. Thank you so much for sharing your thought.

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  1. You touched the cord of pain of lost monuments in pages of history Radhika.
    I wish our government would have paid more attention on their maintenance, they could have been turned in best tourist places. Like the old forts of Europe. Heritage should be preserved by any means.

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  2. I have often wondered about the laughs, joys, sorrow, pain and the many secrets that the walls of these structures would have stood witness to through the years. Ruins are merely not structures that become the icon of a time in the past or talk about culture but as you have beautifully portrayed, houses many memories of the past.

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