Sorry! But I have to call it quits!

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It’s time we call it quits. I have come to realize that there is nothing more in this relationship for me. Though you have stood by me in thick and thin, quenched my thirst, appeased by hunger, helped me in many ways yet, I know I am being selfish when I have to break up with you. It’s just that doing this is for the greater good of all!  Making inroads into all aspects of my life, you seem to be stalking me like a shadow. While your intention is all good, you are making my life toxic. Both, my home and I are beginning to choke under your excessive interference.

I know it’ll take me a while to come out of your influence, but I am sure it will help me breathe freely and connect back to my roots. It was good while it lasted. But sorry mate, I have to bid adieu to you, Mr. PLASTIC!!

I am sure all of us are aware that plastic takes hundreds of years to degrade and is literally choking our earth. Let’s switch to alternate options and ban plastic from our life as far as possible.

toxic relationship

choking us to a slow death

flush out and move on

embrace natural options

enliven environment!

( A Tanka)


58 thoughts on “Sorry! But I have to call it quits!”

  1. I was guessing all along and didn’t expect such an ending. Very intriguing. I agree with you. I use recyclable bags for shopping. Portland, Oregon where my daughter is, use paper bags and use biodegradable bags for scraps of food. Very small percentage of use of plastic bags. Plastic is damaging the ocean and sea life.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Radhika, this is written in a way to have us all in suspense. Beautifully done.
    Your message at the end became so much stronger.
    Like many of the respondents I also use Paper shopping bags and biodegradable plastic bags for food.
    Amazingly though, factories still wrap their produce in plastic.

    It is a huge industry and change to other material is taking place but in many cases this has meant new and expensive machinery. Meanwhile we can each one do our bit.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Miriam for sharing your inputs on this. I agree that there is still rampant use of plastic by factories and other big establishments. A wave of change has been initiated across the world on the hazards of plastic. It is upto each of us to support this. It gladdens my heart that many like you have already moved to paper and cloth bags, we need to get more people to do so.


  3. Not matter how much I try to minimize my use of plastic, it seems like it’s everywhere: items that are meant to be thrown away, film wrapped around veggies at the grocery store, packaging around toiletries and other essential items, etc. It’s ubiquitous enough to seem impossible to get rid of!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Absolutely Wai! Plastic has invaded into all aspects of our life. The sooner people are aware of this hazard the better it is for our planet. We definitely need to take adequate steps to ensure we become a plastic free planet before it is too late! Thanks so much sharing your views here🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Here, in California, nobody leaves the house without a shopping bag or you have to pay for the paper bags you get with the grocery but what about the packages, which are still using plastic…the shampoo bottles and many such things that are packed in plastics? When I was a child, there was no plastic anywhere as everything was packed in glass bottles, bathrooms had metal tubs or pails and people carried their own grocery bags. Plastic boom hit the markets in late 70s and it might take a century for the plastic we have dumped, to degrade!
    Thanks for highlighting the issue Radhika.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Balroop, in India too one has to pay for plastic bags at shops, but people don’t mind parting with a few rupees. But at the same time I have seen quite a few who carry their own bags, water bottles etc. People do realise the harm we are causing to the environment and the dire state of planet we will leave behind for our children. Now it is time to speed up this momentum of change!


  5. The children at school went on a beach cleaning drive and they were amazed at the quantity of plastic they retrieved. It is high time we all get down onsite and inspect the damage that our ‘convenience’ has caused to our home.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes Pranitha. Unless we change our ways, our home is going to choke soon. It is encouraging though to see that awareness about this hazard has set in and people have started initiating a change in their lifestyle to say no to plastic.

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      1. Yes! I am glad to say that having read your post and many others that are circulated by social media and Whatsapp, I have slowly decided to give it up too. We need to start somewhere and thank you for the reminder, Radhika.

        Liked by 1 person

  6. Omg the title gave me a lump in the throat!!! 😂😂
    Do you know Maharashtra has banned all the plastic!!!!! I am so happy with the decision!!! It’s getting banned in UP as well from 15th july!!’ I really hope it’s implemented strictly

    Liked by 1 person

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