Day 22 – Self love!

Continuing the series on Valentines Special, today I bring to you the importance of loving oneself.


Buddha says, “You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection”.

We love so many people in the world, our family, spouse, friends etc. It is said that, you can’t love another, if you don’t love yourself. Self-love is very important to living well. When we love ourselves, we tend to be less critical, accept our weakness and strengths with ease and forgive ourselves. All this is vital for our emotional well being and growth.

A self appraisal

embrace the imperfections

amply love thyself.

47 thoughts on “Day 22 – Self love!”

  1. So true! You are the only one who is going to stay beside you forever till death…thorough think and thin…through sad and happy moments….surviving everything with no questions asked! so why not take the best care and love yourself! You can spend your energy and resources at the expense of your health for someone else who one day may as well fail to recognise you even! Instead better to pamper and nourish and love yourself to a good mental and physical health – give yourself the attention you deserve…without being selfish as well!

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    1. I liked how you put it across Sifar. When one invests in self love, his health and nourishes his soul with enough positive fodder, then he can reap rich dividends through out life. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Much appreciated 🙂

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  2. For years I was surrounded by only people who never liked me.And to be true I started disliking myself more than they did.It took me many years to come out of it and understand my worth.And when I accepted that it doesn’t matter if no one loves me coz I am enough for myself.That day I started writing again.I am beautiful and worthwhile and I love myself😊

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    1. You have passed by a lot of turmoil Yasmin. I am genuinely happy that you have broken from those shackles and emerged stronger. We all on the blogosphere love you and your work is stellar. Stay positive and stay happy. Sending you lots of love and hugs ❤️❤️❤️🤗

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