Day 22 – Self love!

Continuing the series on Valentines Special, today I bring to you the importance of loving oneself.


Buddha says, “You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection”.

We love so many people in the world, our family, spouse, friends etc. It is said that, you can’t love another, if you don’t love yourself. Self-love is very important to living well. When we love ourselves, we tend to be less critical, accept our weakness and strengths with ease and forgive ourselves. All this is vital for our emotional well being and growth.

A self appraisal

embrace the imperfections

amply love thyself.

WPC – Peek

We had visited Bangkok on a holiday a few months back. Today for the weekly photo challenge, I’ll give you a peek into the magnificent monument, The Grand Palace!

No visit to the city is complete without the tour of the spectacular palace. Built in 1782, it was the home of the Thai king, the Royal administrative seat of the government for about 150 years till the end of the 19th century. Today the palace is used for Royal rituals, state banquets and other official functions. Some parts of the palace like the inner court are not open to the public. Within the complex are several impressive buildings including the Wat Phra Kaew (Temple of the emerald Buddha) that dates back to the 14th century.

The dazzling regal aura that emanates all around monument, ornate architecture, splendid gardens, leave the visitors spellbound. The Buddha sanctum resonates with a serene peace. In all, a definitely a treat for the eyes and the soul.

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