Graceful Acceptance!

Image credit; Photomix company @ Pixabay

Now, at the fag end of life,

home alone, in an empty nest,

I wrestle with my waning memory, fogged under

receding hairline and furrowed brow.

Misplacing things, is a daily affair,

forgetfulness, my constant companion.

Simple tasks seem daunting,

what I did in a jiffy, now takes ages.

Today, the mirror reflects my withered shell,

but beneath it, I am still a beautiful soul.

As I glance back at the rear view mirror of life,

I have realized that, it is futile confronting the loss of youth.

In graceful acceptance of old age, with all its quirkiness,

lies the key to happiness!

Sadje’s WDYS #108

As the final curtain drops…

Ladybug, Leaves, Foliage Leaf, Insect, Beetle, Nature

Seasonal transition follows nature’s rhythm.

Once full of supple verdurousness  

today, I mirror a dull ochre expression.

Diluted veins sap my strength,

 I am blown away by the gust of wind,

my withered soul drifts away from home.

I twirl to the rhythmic breeze, explore faraway places,

at times crushed beneath the hurried feet.

I hold no grudges.

Graceful surrender and acceptance, fills me with peace.

Nature’s lullabies cajole me to deep slumber

 into mother earth’s welcoming bosom..


Surreal, Dream, Face, Woman, Dreams, Wishes, Fiction

Life is a constant learning,

experience the greatest teacher.


I have learnt to listen to my heart.

Pleasing others is not a priority anymore,


I have realized over time,

that in doing so, I lost myself.

Now I collect the fragments of me

join them together,

Oh! It may not be perfect,

but it is me.

I let my imperfections define me,

my identity is who I am,

and now,

I have learnt to carry it with pride!


V.J’s weekly challenge #107 : Listen


three line tales, week 231: the Brooklyn Bridge at sunset
photo by Lerone Pieters via Unsplash

Watching the eventide in all its glory, set Ann thinking.

Man travels miles, to admire and soak in the resplendent beauty of nature’s magical hues, with absolute acceptance, without any conditions what so ever.

Then why is it that the same man judges a fellow human being, by his color, looks and success?


In response to Sonya’s Three line tale #231.


The fear of failure!

Loser, Failure, Finger, Suggest, Board, Scaredy Cat

“The greatest mistake we make is living in the constant fear that we make one “ John. C. Maxwell

They say failure is the stepping stone to success….yet we are afraid to fail, aren’t we? We are hopeful that all our endeavors culminate in success. Many skip an opportunity if they are unsure of a positive outcome.

If we learn from our mistakes, then why are we always so wary not to make one?

“Don’t be afraid to make mistakes, be afraid of not learning from them”.

Looking back, I believe that all through our childhood we were conditioned to do everything right. Failure was looked down upon at school and among friends. People would be chided or belittled for going wrong, not to mention the tirade that followed, “It’s your fault”, “You can never get anything right”, “I told you so”….the list of such degrading comments never ceased.

Acceptance for failure is never total. I guess that is primarily the reason we still shun any form of failure!

“People often avoid making decisions out of the fear of making a mistake. Actually the failure to make decisions is one of life’s biggest mistakes”. Noah Winberg

Would love to know your opinion on this.

Day 22 – Self love!

Continuing the series on Valentines Special, today I bring to you the importance of loving oneself.


Buddha says, “You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection”.

We love so many people in the world, our family, spouse, friends etc. It is said that, you can’t love another, if you don’t love yourself. Self-love is very important to living well. When we love ourselves, we tend to be less critical, accept our weakness and strengths with ease and forgive ourselves. All this is vital for our emotional well being and growth.

A self appraisal

embrace the imperfections

amply love thyself.