To be judged or not?

My daughter is a creative girl blessed with a flair for sketching, painting, doodling and now trying her hand at digital painting too. I always felt her work was decent enough and would goad her to take part in art competitions. She would always answer in negative.

One day I questioned her as to why she didn’t want to participate in any competition. To which she replied, “Art is a very subjective personification and a creative extension of oneself. If the competition is to replicate an object or still life, then yes there is scope to judge the piece. But for example, if the topic for the painting is “Peace”, how can you judge the entries? A tranquil scenery depicts peace, a person meditating amidst a raging storm outside maybe at peace, a young baby’s innocent smile may bring peace, a person enjoying a soulful melody may feel at peace or it could be universal brotherhood which is the essence of peace. Each person has his/her own perspective to an idea which he gives shape to. In the same way the person judging the art piece also may have his/her own interpretation to the topic, which may not be in sync with the artist’s work. All of them have put their feelings and emotions to paper. While one can give their opinion on the piece, it need not translate into comparison with other pieces.”

Well, I felt she had a valid point here. Would love to hear your thoughts on this.

The blank canvas awaits its destiny

as a melange of ideas brew

in the ingenious niche of

the artist ‘s mind,

working in tandem with

dexterous fingers

as they get on with their creation.

Hours of labor brings forth

 the insipid white to life,

with a potpourri of hues

satiating the creative indulgence!


99 thoughts on “To be judged or not?”

  1. Excellent Artwork by your daughter. Art is a very subjective personification and a creative extension of oneself – what a meaningful explanation. Well, I learn a lot from my Niece and children.

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  2. Wow what an amazing poem, Radhika and your daughter’s paintings are very good. I agree with her as she has said but it is okay why bother about what people will say or not. Anyways humans have a tendency of judging and making mockery too but because of that you do not want to showcase such a lovely art is not good. Then toh we will never have painters or artists. She must go all out in what she is doing. This is my take on your post.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Thanks so much Kamal for your lovely thoughts and feedback.
      Yes, for an artist it is very important to showcase their work. While she is not against that, it’s just that she doesn’t want to be a part of the so called art competitions .


  3. wow, such a brilliant young girl you have Radhika. I agree that joining any competition specifically for arts (and other creative forms) may be very difficult for a young girl to understand because obviously we all know art is subjective; what could be beautiful in the eye of the first judge could be otherwise to the next judge. However, she will learn as she grows older that though art can be subjective, there can be specific rules and guidelines and mechanics that would defy art as subjective, thus making it easy to judge and come up with the best work or the winner. well, I speak as teacher and as creative wirter.
    and oh, her works are really stunning. what a gift!!!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks a bunch for your inputs Mich. It’s nice to have a teacher’s perspective too.
      I am not an artist, so have no idea about the nuances that make a piece stand out from others. Will definitely convey your inputs to her.👍🏻 Thanks once again 😊

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  4. Beautifully done, both of you. Could it be that each one of us could brig force our version of peace and together that coud all become a force. No judgement needed.
    Oh well, that is not how it works…


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    1. Absolutely Miriam. That is exactly what she feels too. There is no need for a judgement, on depiction of emotions and feelings through color. Each piece is special to that person, some may connect with it while some may not which is just fine.
      Thank you for your thoughts. 🙂

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  5. Your poem upholds your creativity and the sketches, hers. Very nicely done!
    Loved the first sketch of a lady! It’s beautiful!
    I agree with her thoughts too😊A display in an exhibition is ok I feel, as among the many people, some will totally relate and love the art work. A competition where a judge, weighs out one’s imagination? I don’t know if he can relate at all, while the artist would have put in all effort to portray what’s on her mind into that paper. 😊
    But I do believe in exhibiting one’s work so that like minded people appreciate. As the saying goes a person who is appreciated will always do more than what’s expected. 😊

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Absolutely HS. For an artist, exhibitions, social media or any other launch pads are good platforms to show case their work.
      While replicating an existing work, requires precision and details, there scope to judge them. But an abstract or original painting is a flow of emotions of the artist which she feels should not be judged.
      Happy to have your feedback on this. Thanks a ton ❣️

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  6. Ever wondered what an empty canvas holds in itself?
    Look at it with an empty mind, what emerges is known as creativity.

    Wonderful talent your girl has, both creative and expressive. God Bless her.

    Liked by 4 people

  7. Wow, what lines; really perfect: “Hours of labor brings forth / the insipid white to life, / with a potpourri of hues”. This artwork is very exciting! To have that kind of talent and focus! That’s a deep question on the philosophy of art. I can see it both ways. Art is after all a subjective and personal experience but it has a very collective appeal after it is shared with others; and some say the onlooker adds to the work after this happens. There is always a subjective-objective aspect to art that is very hard to define. We judge art as high and low so that must mean we think we can achieve some sort of way of judging it fairly (or at least what we consider fair). There are songs that most people believe are the best of all-time, but at the same time your favorite song may never be mine. So in the end you’re left somewhere in the middle between personal and collective art; subjective and objective. It might just be a personal matter where one falls on the question, though. Your daughter sounds wise beyond her years; I’m sure much of it comes from you. Have a great rest of your day!

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Wonderfully put Benjamin. It is true for any form of creativity be it art, music or poetry. Personal and collective, subjective and objective make an interesting perspective.
      I am sure my daughter will be delighted to read so many viewpoints to her belief.
      Thanks Benjamin for your feedback and appreciation. 😇❣️

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  8. Looking at the art, my mind says “Gifted child”.
    Reading her response, my mind says “Wise child”.
    Reading your thoughts, my mind – “As is the mom, so is the daughter”. (This is not to dilute her uniqueness, but for sure, a creative mind needs proper environment)

    Aditi might consider Art Exhibitions, though! Either physical or digital or both! 🙂

    Liked by 3 people

  9. Though you ask a question, this whole piece feels so wholesome. Your daughter’s opinion and the lovely poem at the end.
    I think she’s right, and I also think this should intersect with Poetry too. Except with poetry, it’s not about what feeling is induced but that there’s a feeling induced. Just my thoughts on your lovely post🌷

    Liked by 3 people

  10. Radhika, I enjoyed reading your lovely poem, and read with interest about your dilemma. Your daughter seems quite gifted, knows her own mind, and expresses herself well.

    As she has more opportunities to enjoy exhibitions and art museums, she may realize that sharing her creations can bring so much joy into the lives of others. Maybe she would be open to showing her art in an exhibition where there is no judging.

    Where I live, restaurants sometimes decorate their walls with works of local artists, some of them for sale. Sometimes malls and libraries have exhibits of art students’ work.

    I know you must be enormously proud of your daughter. Best wishes. Cheryl

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Cheryl, yes I am truly blessed to have a daughter like her.
      She follows the works of many artists from around the world. It helps her broaden her insight into the creative world.
      She still has to grow a lot. I am sure when the time is right, she will soar her wings and fly.
      Many thanks Cheryl for sharing your lovely thoughts here. It feels great to get so many different perspectives from my blogging family. ♥️


  11. Some artists may not initially want to showcase their works, for their creations are a form of expression to please themselves, but with age they get confident and as they get their social moorings, they would not mind others to value the art. This is also done by those who want to reach a position or goal and would not want the initial approval and appreciation of their works to douse out the fire in them. Her work is good and I fervently hope it gets better and better with every new piece. God bless! and yes the poem so very well depicts the creator in an artist.

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  12. Very wise words, for any art freedom is very important. She told that to the world. Another wise soul from your family to spread positivity to the world. Her words gives me happiness and hope towards people as still there is lots of good souls in this world. And you are a very strong mother to accept her ideas and share it (I know what many mothers need nowadays).

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You always come forward with your support and encouragement Meenakshi. Heartfelt gratitude ♥️.
      The days are gone when parents dictated what the child should study. Today we need to guide and support our children in whatever they choose.
      Well, there are many good souls out there. That’s why the world is able to balance the negative.
      Thanks a lot dear. Hope you are all fine. 💕


  13. Exactly! Art is something which comes out of one’s imagination or opinion. And no one in this world can state any of them wrong. Art is subjective to experiences.
    Your daughter is indeed an artist!💜✨

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  14. Looking at your daughter’s drawing, I really feel that she is a brilliant artist and should not stop herself from participating in any competitions. People will judge her and her skills but that should never let her stop believing in herself and her work. Keep up with the amazing skills ❤

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Well, she has her point of view now and I don’t want to force her into something she doesn’t agree from her heart. Like many others mentioned, she may change her view as she grows up. Let’s see🙂
      Thanks for appreciating her work. I am sure all this encouragement will do her good. ♥️

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  15. Let me say, R, Aditi is a born artist and there was never a doubt of this fact. However, today she has displayed something that I respect much more, and that is wisdom. Her answer indicates her thought process and it takes many of us a lifetime to come to terms with the essence of what she spelled out in a jiffy. I must congratulate you too for the upbringing which you have given her, which flows from her persona. Your poem succinctly highlights the artist’s journey.

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    1. N, I guess all children have inherent wisdom in them but somehow it gets diluted or digresses in their growing up years due to various distractions and influences. Some are able to hold on to that. This is my belief, not sure if I am right though.
      Thanks for always stopping by with your generous compliments.
      Hope you are all well. Stay safe and take care!

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      1. My thoughts may only extrapolate on your belief. I feel two important criteria matter during the growing up years: upbringing and the familial bond. While upbringing sows the seeds of rational thought and wisdom, the bond with the family determines at what age and how much the child may become influenced by external factors.
        All well, R, thanks. Started to explore offline business opportunities. Hope Hyd is stabilising; you take care too! 🙂

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      2. Agree with you N. Parenting is far more complex and challenging task today compared to our parents time. The exposure kids get these days is vast. So anchoring them with values is very important so that they don’t sway to the external influence.
        Best wishes on the work front N. Have a nice Sunday.

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  16. I loved your daughter’s logic. She’s right about judging the art. But, what I felt was that she could get to know many different perspectives of an abstract topic and expose herself to various artforms, in case she chooses to participate in contests.
    Her creations are beautiful. Do convey her my wishes. ❤


  17. This post reminds me of all those TV reality shows with young participants.
    In my personal opinion such programs should be banned.
    This is the age to pursue some form of art and enjoy doing while learning the details. Not at all thinking about competition.

    The answer you get from your daughter is appropriate for her age. In renowned competitions the judges are real masters. Who knows the art form and the topic quite well.

    Aditi is blessed as an artist. Good wishes to her.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes, I too agree with you. Children are not able to cope up with the pressure and exposure of the reality shows. It steals a part of their childhood from them.
      Thanks so much for the good wishes Rupali. Will convey it to Aditi 🙏

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