Photography – Shades & Shadows

This week Ann Christine has invited us to share pictures of shades and shadows for the Lens Artist Photo Challenge # 152.

I am presenting a snapshot of pictures from Jaipur and Udaipur, two famous cities of Rajasthan, India!

A peek into the play between the Sun, shade and shadows which make an interesting story.

Folk singers delighting the crowd with their soulful singing!

A shot at my silhouette 🙂

At a local fair in Udaipur!

Dormant canon gun….Thank goodness, I don’t fire anymore 😉

Play of the sun and shadows on the old door!


Grace and rhythm in perfect sync!

Candid Conversations 🙂

80 thoughts on “Photography – Shades & Shadows”

  1. These pictures were absolutely beautiful. I especially loved the ones where the falling of shadow caused the light to appear in tiny spot patterns. I also enjoyed seeing more of these cities. Thank you so much for sharing!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks Pragalbha. Digital photography has eased the process of clicking pictures a lot. So there is lot of scope for trial and experimentation.
      Ah, yes it’s always nice to see the amazing and vibrant side of India. It’s absolutely beautiful 😊❤️

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Yes I am an Indian too 🙂 I agree with you for how beautiful and soulful India is. I simply appreciate these soulful pictures for the same reason 💛 I will check your work and hope to see you visit me too.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Am also a mobile photographer. Nature lover ❤️
    If you want to see my photos, videos you can visit my social media sites 😍

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I enjoyed the personal silhouette and pigeons most. Shadows, I have found, are exciting to me though I’ve never been able to articulate why.


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