My Car and I…

ic: Oziel Gomez

My car and I….

A perfect companion to my wanderlust heart and nomadic mind

we journeyed across the countryside ,driving through the meandering roads.

Sleeping under the starlit panoramic night sky, my dreams wrapped under their lambent glow,

to be gently woken up to the sounds of warble and the gurgling brooks.

Experiencing the beauty of the altering vistas, inhaling the fragrance of nature’s scents

soaking in the ambiance of terrains, still untouched by man’s sullied hands, had an organic allure.

Feeling the pain of the ancient scars, of the once resplendent monuments, felt so real.

Coming out unscathed from the jaws of death, heaving a sigh of relief on a narrow shave,

the raw and savage beauty of the wilderness, had many adventurous tales to tell.

Sitting by the aqua waters, listening to the ocean waves, pouring their stories to me,

while the gloomy monotones of the winter’s white blanket penned melancholic poetry,

 the sand dunes hurrying along, under the scorching heat, as if to pass on the message of a weary traveller.

 Wending through the journey, ruminating within, feeling a sense of surreal enlightenment in solitude, solo travel has transformed me.

The autumnal nudity to spring’s vibrancy, the sweltering heat to the alabaster snow,

learning, living, and experiencing a myriad platter of life,

we have travelled many miles together, coming a full circle…

My car and I!

Sadje’s prompt #89

105 thoughts on “My Car and I…”

  1. Beautiful imagery Radhika, I literally smelt the woods, felt the fresh snow in my face, got the desert sand in my shoes and washed it off in the crystal water of the gurgling brook.
    A car becomes a close companion over the many beautiful times we spend with it on the fascinating travels.

    Liked by 5 people

    1. Glad that my journey took you to all those places Deb. Thanks 😊
      Absolutely agree with you Deb. With the passage of time, traveling together in good times and bad, one forms a sort of close connect or bond with the car as if it becomes an integral part of the family!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. You took me on a wonderful ride, as if on waves of imagination, the journey of your poetry is so complete with all adventure and beauty, your choice of words so amazing as always. Had me dreaming of solo travel – wondering of my ability or inability, so for now truly enjoyed doing that through your words 🙂

    Liked by 6 people

    1. Thanks a lot Pragalbha for your kind words of appreciation.
      Solo travel has been on my bucket list for long, but somehow I am unable to garner courage to do it…so until I find myself there, I am driving by through my words 😀.

      Liked by 2 people

  3. You wouldn’t believe this, but the moment i started reading, I too was there with you & ur car, in your journey sharing all the sentiments ✨. Wonderfully written, Radhika🤗🤗

    Liked by 4 people

  4. What a wonderful post, mam! You are truly inspiring. Love the power and beauty in your words. It’s a rare combination to see- elegance and strength in the same thing. Always a fan of yours! 😌🙏

    Liked by 4 people

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