Soaring Tempers!

black hand with mouth wall art
Heather M Edwards @

Emotional temper soars

rage blurs the mind’s vision

voices reach astounding decibels

heart beat escalates, matching the tempo

tirade of harsh words spew venom

 fiery frustrations fold in clenched fists

high voltage drama unfolds.

A blazing inferno fetters the soul

sinks under a dark ocean of wrath

wreaks havoc of toxicity

relationships develop fragile cracks

bonds of friendship scar

dents an irreversible damage.

Time deflates the swollen ire

the gossamer clouding the mind, moves

perspective shifts

streaks of regret get highlighted.

Stay away from soaring tempers

for its aftermath is filled with rueful woe.

Eugi’s weekly prompt : Soaring

60 thoughts on “Soaring Tempers!”

  1. I amply loved this poem, especially the last two lines:
    “Stay away from soaring tempers,
    For the aftermath is rueful woe.”

    Liked by 2 people

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