Love at first sight…

Image credit; Avis @ Pexels

My life wore a cloak of mundanity

over my inane wallflower mien,

until I saw you today.

As our eyes locked,

time stood still; the moment frozen.

You cast a magical spell on me,

a heady cocktail of emotions brewed within.

Your seraphic smile ignited a sensory euphoria,

undulating heartbeats drowned me in ineffable feelings.

I was drunk admiring your honeyed beauty,

as my life seemed to slip out of my control.

I must confess it was love at first sight,

or so I thought, until  

 I saw you walk into his open arms.


that was the end of my fleeting love story!

Sadje’s WDYS #140

59 thoughts on “Love at first sight…”

  1. So many myriad emotions captured in these few words, Radhika.
    Enraptured by the emotions that she is feeling.
    I feel there is some one even better waiting for her out there.
    So she better reserve these spilled emotions for that dude. 🙂
    Wishing you happy days ahead, dear Radhika. ❤

    Liked by 5 people

  2. I love this Radhika. So beautifully done with a fun twist!! I love it!

    “a heady cocktail of emotions brewed within.

    Your seraphic smile ignited a sensory euphoria,

    undulating heartbeats drowned me in ineffable feelings.

    I was drunk admiring your honeyed beauty,”


    that was the end of my fleeting love story!


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