Happy Diwali !



celebrate the festive spirit

with joy, mirth and prayers.


burn the ego that resides within

dispel darkness of ignorance with wisdom.


brighten a life, with a kind deed

light up homes with sparkling smiles.


make this Diwali soundless

but one, that reverberates with

the laughter of family and friends.

A very happy and joyous Diwali to all my blogger friends 🙂

Toss for a cause!

In response to Kat’s twittering tale # 103, to write a tale based on the picture below,  in 280 letters or less.

Photo by PDPhotos @ Pixabay.com

Thanks to the social media, what started as a local event,  gained momentum to become one of the most sought after annual philanthropic meet, christened “Walk with dignity”. The new pair of shoes and the money raised, was donated to the needy, of the remote interior villages.

Letter count : 279

Project BMG-The Spirit of Giving Back

Originally posted on https://robertapimental.com

At the onset, I would like to congratulate Roberta Pimental for initiating the Project BMG, which I think is a great platform for “infant bloggers” like me to reach out to a wider audience. I am grateful to her for letting me be a part of it. Thanks a ton Roberta!! 🙂

A down to earth person, simplicity defines me. My mind is a gypsy vagabond which loves to travel and reflect on many things. I pen down thoughts close to my heart.  If my writing connects with you, please do step into my world https://radhikasreflection.wordpress.com ! Would love to hear your thoughts!



 “If you wait until you can do everything for everybody, instead of something for somebody, you will end up not doing nothing for nobody! “ Malcom Bane.

Life is a gift and we are all blessed to be enjoying that gift! Most of us live a happy life, amid loved ones, in the comfort of our homes, without having to worry about our next meal. We are lucky to benefit from the rapid progress, in terms of knowledge, technology and material comforts. But unfortunately, not all in this world are as blessed as we. There are people across the globe who are poverty stricken, living in dismal conditions.

Though, not all of us can be a Mother Teresa or a Florence Nightingale, isn’t it our duty to help the lesser fortunate fellow beings? We all can be that drop which collectively goes on to make a mighty ocean. “If not a star in heaven be a lamp at home “. Many give back to the society by way of monetary help. But giving your time for a cause in which you believe in, is a commendable effort. Volunteering with an organisation or NGO, championing an environmental or conservation issue, feeding the hungry, taking responsibility for the cleanliness drive, all help in realising the dream of better world.

I have been blessed to be born to parents who inculcated in me the value of reaching out and lending a helping hand to the deserving. Am lucky, that I continue to get an absolute support from my husband in this endeavor after marriage too.

I volunteer at a government school where I teach spoken English to the 5th graders. These children come from the underprivileged background. Some of them are eager learners, while others require a lot of effort to be put in. It is a joy to be with them, to help them and converse with them. Their innocent chatter, unending questions, enthusiasm to learn something new, is so encouraging. The exuberant smile I see on their faces, on entering their classroom is priceless!!


As parents, we have tried to instill the same values in our children. My son is an active participant in many lake cleaning initiatives in our city. My daughter donated all the profit earned by her in a school carnival by buying goodies for the children, from the nearby slum. There is a perennial flow of such small random acts of kindness and being a part of social causes, at home. I believe, it should be  a continuous ongoing process.

Along with educating our children, we also need to sensitize them to be grateful for all they have and follow the spirit of giving back to the society. I salute the many among us, who selflessly devote their time and energy for social causes. I guess, these humanitarians help the world to balance itself, in spite of all the negative elements prevalent. We need more of such benevolent crusaders to spread the spirit of giving.

“No act of kindness however small is ever wasted “(Aesop)


Reach out to lend a helping hand,

beyond self, beyond boundaries,

Be the reason for a smile

on faces you may never meet,

touching lives infinitely,

discovering the key to happiness!



Image courtesy : Google search