The Drip Fiasco!

Dripping, Faucet, Drip, Drop, Stainless, Spout, Fixture

Plop! plop! Incessant acoustics played on a loop,

disturbing me from my reverie.

The slow dribble dampened my poetic rapture in a dreamy paradise.

Cursing the abrupt end to my honeyed trance,

I got out of bed, to check on the sound.

A leaky faucet was the culprit, orchestrating a clamant drip.

My many attempts to tighten the tap seemed futile,

as it boasted of an obstinate temperament, refusing to relent.


I rummaged through the tool box to look for a spanner.

Still in a slumberous state and an agitated mood,

Blabbering, growling, snorting, prattling to myself,

 I foolishly unfastened the tap, in my haste to set it right.

And lo, torrents of water gushed out in a tempestuous roar,

exploding into the silent night, with rumbling ire.

Drenched in the powerful deluge, I quivered in a frenzy.

After many failed attempts, I managed to fix it back.

The livid tap gave out an angry gurgle, once again.

I beseeched it to stay calm, till I located a plumber the next morning,

 wading out of the pool of water, inundating the kitchen floor,

In utter helplessness!

 Laura from dVerse says,

Write a Sound Poem which includes AT LEAST ONE from EACH of the FIVE HEARING CATEGORY SELECTIONS below: (reference the hearing words you chose in your post).

  • bellow; clink; drone; jingle; quiver;
  • clamour; dissonant; rip-roaring; tempestuous; vociferous;
  • dulcet; honeyed; poetic; sonorous; tonal;
  • blabber; cackle; dribble; gurgle; seethe;
  • beseech; chant; drawl; embellish; intone.

Feel free to dip deeper into your chosen words by elaborating further from the Thesaurus with synonyms and antonyms


Simply write about the Thesaurus

The Storm


The army of tar grey clouds

 were merciless, conquering

 the perfect blue expanse.

Heralding their arrival

with tiny pearls of missiles,

they garnered more power

pouring down in a barrage.

Howling winds unleashed their ire

followed by the thunderous roar.

The flash of the lightning

lit up the concrete dark sky.

The wrath of the torrential deluge

continued its march unabated for hours

inundating all under its blanket,

the night settled into an eerie calm.

The burst of the chirps that erupted from dripping trees,

butterflies meandering across swaying flowers

invited the sun to smile and usher daybreak.




Sidlak #3 – Clouds

O dark clouds!

Blanketing the sky

With a swell of emotions

Rupturing with a mighty deluge

through your grey eyes.

Know Sidlak:

Sidlak poetry (sid/lak) is a structured poetry consisting of 5 lines with 3-5-7-9 syllables AND A COLOR. The last line must be a COLOR that describes the whole poem or the feelings of the writer.