Say Cheese!


Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “more than a hundred.” Write your post inspired by something you have more than a hundred of in your home right now. 

The moment I read this prompt challenge, my mind immediately thought of the photographs at home that fill the albums and adorn frames on the wall. I love clicking moments of today which make beautiful memories tomorrow. Of course, with the advent of digital technology, now my laptop is filled with them.

As I browse the old pictures, each picture enlivens a story of emotional delight. I harvest a bounty of nostalgia. The vintage sepia toned, the black and white or the glossy coloured ones bridge the present to the past. Sauntering on that bridge infuses the air with the fragrance of yesterday. The heart revels seeing the pictures unfold a saga of events that life witnessed. It is a wonderful way to bond with the family, reminiscing good old times, sharing some laughter and tears, teasing and ranting, setbacks and celebrations.

I love the company of photographs, for it captures moments to etch it in the heart for eternity.

Blur of life captured

 tapestry of memories

eternal imprints