Alphabet V – Vacation

A to Z Challenge


Theme – ** Kaleidoscope of thoughts**


Hooray! Its holiday season and we are off on vacation. Don’t we all very eagerly wait for them? Vacations give us a break from our routine and help us refresh ourselves. For kids there are no rules for getting up early in the morning, going to school, to complete their homework or study. For parents there is no 9 o’clock call or meeting 😉

Oh, what fun it is to be able to spend time according to one’s wish! A holiday is a perfect time to feel as snug as a bug in a rug!

Vacations have a charm to it. Hearing the name itself lights up one’s face. The excitement on deciding the place, where to stay, how to travel makes it to the rounds of discussions. But these days thanks to the plethora of information and options available at the press of a few keys, the task is a child’s play. Then packing, what to take and what not, actually takes up more of our time 😉

Exploring the place, hanging out with friends, tasting the local cuisines, clicking infinite pictures, buying souvenirs and shopping, the list just doesn’t end.


There is magic to explore. Be it the mesmerising mountains, or the beauty of the warm beaches, the adrenaline high for the adventure lovers, the serenity for the mystical spiritual seekers, the walk through the forest for those who want to be close to nature and wildlife. No matter what place you choose, a vacation always helps you detox, destress and rejuvenate.

Taking unlimited pictures are definitely the highlight of any vacation. Outdoor, indoors, in different moods and poses, ever ready for that Kodak moment. Many seasons later those beautiful pictures narrate a nostalgic story bringing us many smiles and memories!

Which has been your best vacation so far?