Alphabet J – Journey into blogging!

A to Z Challenge


Day 12 – ** Theme Kaleidoscope of thoughts**


Blogging was alien to me till a few years back. Some friends once mentioned about blogs. Intrigued and fascinated by what I had learned, I came home and googled out “blog” and it opened up an expanse of literary artistry before me. I was amazed at what I had discovered. An ocean of bloggers from across the globe showcasing their written work on topics so varied and diverse.

It was then I decided that one day, I too shall start blogging. Immediately made a note in my “Bucket List “of things to do in my diary.  Many other things in life kept me busy for quite some time, and the list remained safe and secure in my diary, completely slipping out of my mind.

Last year when I was cleaning my closet, I found my diary and was browsing it.

“Starting my own blog” started at me. That’s when I decided to take the plunge. The journey so far has been good and I am enjoying every moment. It’s been such a learning experience. Admiration, respect and amazement is what I feel for all your ideas, talent and creative skills.  It is an absolute honour for me to be a tiny part of the blogosphere with all of you. A decision I am happy I took.

Words find their way out

from the thoughts that sprout

from my finite mind

leading them to infinite people.

Easy and lucid they are

to comprehend,

but are no match to

the work of the eminent laureates

I find many, among you.

Coming straight from the heart

my words through my blog just want to

fill your day with sunshine and warmth!

Happy Blogging ❤ !

Would love to know, how did you start your blogging journey?



81 thoughts on “Alphabet J – Journey into blogging!”

  1. You are one of the first bloggers I followed when I joined WP last year, R 😀
    I started blogging out of curiosity 😉 Though my writing did not get much attention, photography did. One year later, here I am, with two blogs 😀 None of the close ones know that I blog, that’s my best kept secret…

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Thanks R! Cheers to our year long association. Your photographs are simply amazing. My daughter is very much interested in photography and art. So I keep showing her your pictures and paintings. But I am amazed how you have still kept blogging a secret from your close ones …………


      1. Awww that’s really sweet of you Radhika, to show my photos and paintings. You made my day by saying that 🙂 🙂
        Since none of my friends or family members are into blogging, I don’t think telling them about my blog would make much of a difference 😀 and sometimes, keeping secrets are fun 😉

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  2. Blogging has been my lifesaver. I discovered it in 2001 – long time when I’d come across a diary community. They’ve disbanded now but they got me started! Happy blogging!
    The Abbie — #AtoZChallenge, Crazy Lifestyle Blogger, Potterhead, Middle-earthling, Coffee/Chai Lover, Poetess, & Home Chef, Abbie’s Adventure Diaries

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  3. Back in 2006 as a way to just let off steam. I’ve been on 3 different blog sites since then and have quit and re-started many times. Somehow I keep coming back.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Nice blog…All blogs are but a drop in the ocean called blogosphere… Yet each drop adds it own individuality and flavour into the ocean
    Regarding my journey into blogging… I just registered with 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Great post! Blogging has led me to many great friendships and I’ve learned an incredible amount. I started blogging in 2011 after my sister mentioned that a writer should have a blog. I haven’t looked back since then.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Great to know about your blogging journey Radhika. Well I started mine around 10 months back but got serious about it only in the last 20 days or so!! I’m so very happy and excited to be a part of it now, so many varieties of posts I get to read everyday.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Blogging is amazing! Interacting with the community is sometimes more fun than writing. I started my first blog just out of curiosity. I wasn’t very confident that I’ll be able to keep writing. But somehow I kept going on but my reader base consisted solely of friends and family! After a while, I quit writing and abandoned that blog. There’s only so much until you can no longer pester your loved ones to read your work! 😂😂😂😂 I didn’t interact much with the community back then. But the writing bug cannot be ignored for so long, so after a while I started an anonymous blog on another platform. But it wasn’t any fun and I realized how much I missed WP! That was how My Random Ramblings​ was born. This is my third blog and like they say, the third time has been the charm indeed! Once I started interacting with the community, I realized how much I was missing out on! I have so much support and inspiration. It’s a wonderful feeling indeed. I have absolutely no plans to abandon this blog. That’s the power of the blogging community. I’ve got so many blogger friends. Blogging has indeed changed my life for the better! Whoops, sorry for the long comment. And I loved this post. Beautiful poem. Am so glad that you decided to start blogging then. Happy blogging to you too, dear! 😊

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Shweta, I enjoyed reading your journey to blogging. For me, except a couple of family members, all other followers are friends I made on WP. I think WP is an amazing platform and creates a cohesive bond among the bloggers. It’s wonderful that you got lucky third time. Now you have got a few loyal followers which I am sure will keep increasing. So stay put and let us enjoy your writings 😊💖

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Oh my present blog has helped me find and connect with so many bloggers! People from different parts of the world. It’s an amazing platform indeed! Thank you so much dear. I’m so happy to hear that. 🙂

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  8. Great Post Radhika! Last year I entered officially into this blogging world. I wanted to keep track of a few things which I wanted to catch up when I need like recipes and other stuffs. So I had a small google blog. Things were scattered and I really couldn’t organize there. That’s how I got to know this and I am glad, I got here. It’s not just about some public content. I read people, emotions, thoughts, attitude and lots of good stuff. I learned a lot and I made good friends to share and experience my interests.

    Happy Blogging 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  9. Hi Radhika, I started mine almost eight years ago. I shared my poems from a college journal but really started sharing my plight as a cancer patient and survivor later on.

    Liked by 2 people

  10. That poem captures the essence of every blogger.. 🙂 Good to know your journey! 🙂

    I started blog out of my research frustration and absolute hate to my research guide. lol. And blog was one of the best things I did with my life! 😀

    Liked by 2 people

  11. The poem at the end says everything !! 🙂
    Lovely Radhika.
    My blogging journey with inspiration to post my poems in front of the world. Later it evolved to many things. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  12. You are one of my inspirational blogger friend in my list. I was about to leave my career in hotel Industry because of the unsocial hours which was an absolute struggle with family life especially with little kids. Where one of my old school friend had compelled me in blogging which was a new environment for me. But really enjoying now with new challenges.

    Liked by 2 people

  13. I am so glad you began blogging as one of your bucket lists …your presence is so friendly in this space.
    I had no idea ever that I would be a blogger …until all that wanted to come from my heart just needed a space. I feel so grateful to have this space where all that we say is so authentically acknowledged.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Many of us have started blogging to put our thoughts to words and WP has been all encompassing in accommodating bloggers world over and connecting them like a virtual family. Thanks for sharing about your blogging journey Pragalbha 🙂

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  14. Incredible poem in the end.. says so much in few words..I loved the word blogosphere.. hahahah.. seriously this blogging world is beautiful, incredible and intriguing..

    I am just born to this world of blogging understand the basic aspect right now write what comes into my heart​.. can’t think of complicated words with so much meaning

    Liked by 1 person

  15. Loved the poem Radhika and let me tell you, you do fill our days with sunshine!!:-)
    .I’m so thankful for blogging, not only for the platform to express myself but also because of meeting wonderful people like you, whom I draw inspiration and learn from. Grateful:-)

    Liked by 1 person

  16. My favorite poet, love your poems, your pictures and your prose. Not one that is void of meaning and wisdom, not even that post about the writer’s block. Always look forward to your feedback in every one of my posts, Radhika. It is indeed wonderful to have met you here.

    Liked by 1 person

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