

The dreaded five letter word, over which many of us have no control. It comes in a jiffy, conquers our mind and sanity without our consent. We seem totally helpless as it wreaks havoc in our minds, turning it volatile.

Anger is the outburst of an intense emotional response. It is usually a normal healthy human emotion, when a person is fleetingly annoyed. But when that emotion turns out of control, it assumes the tag of rage, fury or wrath and turns destructive.

ANGER……all of us have succumbed to it albeit at different stages. We are the so called evolved beings of this planet, yet find it impossible to stop being angry at people and situations. A slight provocation is enough to trigger the anger in us. With a highly developed intellect, isn’t it strange we have no control over our anger?

A decision taken in anger or words spoken when angry is something we are bound to regret eventually when the outburst cools down.

I am a person who can easily be upset and annoyed. A slight provocation leaves me fuming. Though situations or people still manage to do that to me, I am consciously trying to not let it affect me negatively. What I see has worked many a time is to walk away and remain quiet for a minute or two. That naturally cools down my ire and then talk it out in a normal tone. Believe me, it works most times.

It’s wonderful if you are level headed and cool. But if you get angry, what do you do to diffuse the situation before the verbal exchange of a heated words goes out of control ?

66 thoughts on “Anger”

  1. I’m usually cool, but I’d like to share something…
    Usually you would have heard people say “neer kudi” (drink water) when one gets angry. My cousin told me that people before usually avoided multi tasking. They would do one thing at a time, with atmost attention. So when they sat down, and drank water, they transferred their attention to drinking water, and in a way, this would make them calm down.
    So yeah, we can divert our attention for some time, so that we do not let anger control us.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Yes truly said..Even I was that kind of person who used to get upset or annoyed easily..But nowadays I am trying to calm myself..If one person from conversation walks away or stay silent in that situation for sometime, it really helps. Also staying away from social media or our mobile phone we can say for sometime in angry situation is one of the workable solution..

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Yes truly said..If one person from conversation walks away or stay silent in that situation for sometime it really helps. Also staying away from social media or our mobile phone for sometime in angry situation is one of the solution..😃


  4. Actually sorry for repeating comment but it is not showing me my comment after sending can someone tell me … Actually I am new to WordPress … Also how to delete the second repeat comment same one?? Can someone help me with this question


  5. I usually do the most primitive way of dealing with anger (or a heated confrontation with another person) – strike hard first (or grab a bite on any body parts – the ear often the best choice) then ran away as fast as you can!
    Just kidding! ✌😂 I usually keep silent for a while until I’m composed enough to utter any words in response. If things really get overheated I just walk away and deal with whatever that needs to be dealt with some other time. However, I must admit I’m still a long way off from mastering the said approach, haha.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Haha, I need to expose myself more to volatile situations Radhika. As they say, practice makes perfect, haha. Kidding aside, I agree – awareness is the first step.
        I always enjoy reading you. Keep it coming! ☺

        Liked by 1 person

  6. I agree with you 100%. Anger is a lot more powerful than we think it to be. It can break us. I am a person who can easily be angered and have over time come to various means to control it, mostly just to walk away. I know it is more difficult than it sounds. Walking away from the thing that makes you angry can be trying but that is what I try ad do, or else, I just stop thinking about it. I start imagining things, and think about something else, sometimes even in between a conversation I divert my mind, that’s all I can do to control my anger.

    Liked by 2 people

  7. your blog is very true.
    Anger or krodha is one of the “Arishadgavargas” (The six enemies) Hindering great saints, both men and women.The other five of the Arishadgavargas are Kama(desire), moha(attachment),,mada(pride), matsarya(jealousy) . No mortal with his feet on earth is above these. Thoda kam, Thoda jyadha.hoga.
    Universality of anger,is a rather a common trait.with many of us. I request your permission to Pass the contents on to the environs.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you for enlightening me on ‘ Arishadavargas’! Yes though it is very difficult for us rise above anger one hundred percent, it definitely should not become zyaada ☺️ That is something we all need to consciously work on!!


  8. True Radhika. I also get annoyed very easily. When such things happen, I just try to keep quiet and move out in front of the elders. In front of younger people, Mostly I try to explain. I am actually trying nowadays to keep myself cool and not to get disturbed about small things. Well Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t. Compared to earlier and it’s not that bad nowadays. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  9. My biggest problem in life is to control my anger. Even though I have become calmer over the years, yet more than once it raises its ugly head. Thanks for this beautiful post Radhika

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Radhika….what u wrote is exactly I needed few years back….anger can damage anything….wonderfully written…I want to share your thoughts on my Twitter…can I share your article link? With ur permission 👌

    Liked by 1 person

  11. As I was reading some time back, anger is required to let go of the negative emotion in oneself. As long as we don’t hurt another being by our wrath and find a way to release our steam , it is great. Else we end up in a pressure cooker situation and that could be harmful for our health as well as our near and dear ones, who often bear the brunt of someones anger 😓
    Well written Radhika 👍

    Liked by 2 people

  12. I fall under the category of humans who get upset and agitated quite easily but experience has taught me to keep quiet and still better, walk away, when I blow my fuse as anger and rationality are like water and oil. However, there have been times when it is okay to say a thing or two when you are sure about it, just to stop something that needs to put a stop on.

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Well said Radhika. Anger can be so damaging at times. I think it can worsen the situation infinitely! I’ll confess I’m kind-of short tempered. But, I’ve learnt to(I think!), zip my mouth and maybe walk it off. A run outside or even just a few deep breaths helps me get back to my usual self.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I was a person who easily got angered and I sure didn’t enjoy it. Yes, letting out that emotion is definitely good, but when it goes out of control, we do regret it’s consequences later.


  14. A very universal feeling we all go through, some more than others. I think you’re right in anger effecting us “negatively”. I have heard before of fifteen minute rule in that you allowed the annoyance for only that time and then let it go, because anger can be useful at the right things, get you moving toward something better or different, but hanging onto it too long has its dangers.


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