Life lessons from Mom

Today on my mother’s birthday, would love to dedicate this post to her. Happy birthday Mom ❤ !


In the summer of 1970, wedding bells rang in the sacred temple town of Tirupathi. The bride a tall, slim, beautiful, demure young girl and the groom a dashing smart and handsome officer in the Indian Airforce. A perfect couple, made for each other.

After the fanfare and all the wedding ceremonies were over, the bride who came from a small place called Udupi in the south kanara district of Karnataka was to accompany her husband all the way to her new home in New Delhi. After bidding farewell to her family she set out with her newlywed husband carrying a kaleidoscope of emotions within her.

This young and beautiful couple my dear friends are my parents.

After helping my mom settle down in the new place my dad resumed duty. Soon they were invited to a very formal dinner party. My mom who hailed from a small town never had an exposure to any formal event. But being the person she is, she agreed to accompany my dad for the same. The dinner was a five course meal served by an array of waiters. An assortment of cutlery was set on the table with so many different sizes of spoons and fork, each to be used for a specific course. She sailed through the entire evening with élan, with many officers complimenting my dad to have found such a beautiful bride. On their return my dad questioned her if she was used to eating with a knife and fork? To which she replied that it was the first time she was using it. She simply observed how the others used it and followed them! Simple, isn’t it?

The best way to learn something is by doing it.

My mother had a lot of free time at her disposal. Not knowing what to do she decided to join some class.  My father did not consent to that as she did not know Hindi. Arguing that she would never learn the language if she did not step out, she slowly ventured out to neighbours houses in the locality. Gradually she made friends and learnt not only to speak fluent Hindi but also knitting, baking and north Indian style of cooking.

Courage is not the absence of fear, but overcoming it.

Being in the Airforce, my dad had to go for flying sometimes for days together. Once he left saying he would be gone for 3 days but came back after 28 days!!! I wonder how my mother spent those agonising days with no news about his return. Our house was at the far end of the Airforce quarters beyond which was a huge empty playground.  It had glass door with no grills. Chilli powder and kitchen knife were her companions during dads absence. Remember there were no mobiles or phones at home then!!

Do everything to the best of your ability.

Frequent postings are a part and parcel of an Airforce Officer’s life. Unlike today they did not have the luxury of availing the services of packers and movers. Mom with her magical hands did all the packing for every single posting, and not once did a single glass break during the innumerable transits.

Believe in yourself.

Owing to dad’s frequent postings, he decided to admit us to Central School ( Kendriya Vidyalaya). They were very particular about a certain number of transfers before obliging with the admission to the officer’s wards. At one such time we were denied admission for the same reason. Again it was mom who went to the Principal and argued out with him and ensured that we were admitted.

Keep calm and trust GOD.

She was a strict disciplinarian but also showered us with lots of love. She managed the house very beautifully during dad’s absence and lent him all the support during challenging times!  During our summer vacations she would play with us like a kid. She helped us with the lessons, Math being her favourite subject! An excellent cook, she managed the house on a stringent budget without allowing us to feel the pinch. She always taught us not to get worried about situations beyond our control and to leave your problems at “HIS” feet and he would take care of it.

Life is about creating yourself.

Today she is 70+ . Even then there is that twinkle and spark in her eyes. My salutations and regards to you dear Mom. Thank you for being there for us ALWAYS!! Love you Mom!!

101 thoughts on “Life lessons from Mom”

  1. आपने बहुत प्यारी पोस्ट अपनी माँ के लिये लिखा है..
    आपकी माँ को मेरी तरफ से भी जन्म दिन की ढेर सारी शुभकामनायें ..
    भगवान उन्हें हमेशा खुश और स्वस्थ रखे..

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Amazing and a heart touching post.. Mother’s are always special and really happy to read this post of yours.. Good wishes Radhika ma’am.!

    Liked by 3 people

      1. स्वागत आपका—–
        कौन है जो माँ का स्थान ले ले,
        कौन है जो माँ जैसा प्यार दे दे,
        समझती है जो बिन कहे दर्द सारे,
        ख्वाहिश करे पूर्ण कहे बिन हमारे,
        हम क्या जो उनको सम्मान दे दे,
        कौन है जो माँ जैसा प्यार दे दे।

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Happy Birthday to your mom, even though I don’t know her but after reading your post I have huge respect for her already. Lots of love to you and her for being an inspiration! ❤

    Liked by 3 people

  4. This is such an extraordinary post! I really enjoyed reading it, there was so much to learn. I really appreciate the simplicity and strength that your mom has 🙂

    ಜನ್ಮದಿನದ ಶುಭಾಶಯಗಳು to your mom 😁💙

    Liked by 3 people

  5. This beautiful story could be the best gift your mother can have from you Radhika. Two of my favorite from Aunty life long lesson would be 1. courage is not not an absence of fear…overcoming of fear. 2. Life is about creating oneself.
    Happy Birthday to your Mummy and Wishing Aunty a very Healthy, Happy, and Hopeful year ahead.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Happy birthday to your mom,
    So cool marriage.
    Nicely described everything.
    You observed too much things from her and learned it.


  7. Every act done by a woman unknowingly, becomes a standard for the next generations. I don’t ever think I’ll be able to cross or even reach the benchmark that all the moms have set. So beautifully described. 😄

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Wish Aunty A Very Happy Birthday and a great life ahead Radhika! Indeed your mom is a practical example for how a life should be lived.
    There are so many things similar here. My parents too got married in 1970. My father was in air force too and we too studied in Central School.
    Now cheers to that 🍻

    Liked by 2 people

  9. We unconsciously pick and learn a lot from our mothers. It is these lessons which help us tread the path of difficulties cautiously, literally with her words screaming in your mind.
    A beautiful tribute to your mother, Radhika. Please wish her a very happy birthday from me too.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. How beautifully written! I read each and every line with so much of interest.
    I don’t know if it’s the way you wrote or it’s the story of your mother that fascinated me.
    But I loved reading this piece of work.

    Liked by 1 person

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