Lessons from nature!


At twilight, the setting sun paints a masterpiece on the expansive canvas with swirls of crimson, tangerine and marmalade. At times it puts up a benign face, while at other times a riot of pinks and blues intensify into a deep mauve, before fading into darkness. Though this beauty is momentary, it ensures a new look every single evening as it readies to move, on its onward journey. The fact that in today’s busy world, people hardly pause to admire this beautiful blessing at dusk, doesn’t make an iota of difference to its creative play of colors. Its artistic flair continues unabated, without a feeling of remorse at the lack of appreciation.

Just musing over this thought, I often wonder, do we humans have this attitude in us? We always strive for some form of recognition or praise for a job well done, be it at work or home. It deflates our morale when we don’t see that acknowledgement coming our way. Do we still continue to give it our best or do we whine and crib, before eventually abandoning it?

What do you do in such a situation? Do share, if this picture is familiar to you and how have you moved forward? I am sure it will help many of us to deal with it better including me 😉




97 thoughts on “Lessons from nature!”

  1. Some recognition is good, it is an acknowledgement that we are doing well in whatever area of our lives that is being recognized. That is an incentive to do well and strive for better.
    To feed on recognition though is not accepting ourselves or having doubts in all that we do if nobody outside of us gives any recognition.
    Self acceptance lives in us without acknowledgement of any kind.
    We are all humans though and a bit of recognition does go a long way to help us if we use it right… rather than getting a big ego about it.

    Liked by 5 people

    1. How beautifully you have put your thoughts across Hélène. Can’t agree more with you. Like you rightly pointed out, self acceptance is the key.
      But my general observation is that many times people hold back from giving positive feedback. A genuine praise goes a long way in motivating a person to put in his best. Somehow when that doesn’t come my way, it does hurt me.
      Hopefully next time if that happens, I will be in a better position to deal with it 🙂

      Liked by 5 people

      1. I do understand what you are saying Radhika. It does hurt when it doesn’t come. I know for myself, and this may be the case for others as well, sometimes I am shy to give praise to someone, feel uncomfortable for whatever the situation may be at the time. Though I think it is worth praise I don’t give it. I have taken the opportunity to give it more and more now, over coming this shyness. Feels good for me and for the other. Serves us both.

        Liked by 2 people

      2. Lovely photograph and an intruiging thought..just like a spectator complimenting our work, someone, somewhere was acknowledging this sunset. On this particular night it was you. Perhaps we feel like no one sees our effort BUT the truth is that someone does. they just don’t say it out loud. Going off of rhadikas comment, this will remind me to tell people when i enjoy their work and not hold back.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. What a beautiful thought …….hunger for validation and recognition is human nature and it’s the reason why we deviate from our paths ……..self love and acceptance is the key …if we appreciate ourselves there won’t be any need of external stimuli

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Beautifully beautiful.. yes, I usually move forward by telling myself to let go of the thoughts which make us run for more and more, ultimately reaching in a no man’s land.. giving time the chance to take its own course.. this serves me much peace with myself..
    Loved your thoughts.. so so relatable with mine Radhika.. 😘💕😇💝👌🏼

    Liked by 3 people

  4. This is a thoughtful and beautiful write, dear Radhika.
    For me it helps to think that the Universe watches, knows and smiles at each effort of my heart and hands. It is an offering of love which is accepted the moment it is offered – maybe not by a person in front of me. But by something sublime somewhere and it does not matter that I can’t feel it and hear from it.
    I feel like a little child scribbling a picture – no one will appreciate it – but somewhere in some heaven Divine Mother smiles, She knows i did the best with my little untrained hands. And in Her smile, i am fulfilled. Wonder if this makes any sense to you?

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Reading your feedback tells me that you are a very evolved soul Krishnapriya. Very few people go about their work as an offering to God. I loved your example of the child scribbling a picture. Will always remember it in future. Thank you for unraveling this aspect of thought. Grateful 🙏💖

      Liked by 3 people

      1. Oh dear Radhika – you are so sweet! we are all here to help each other move along in love and light. Your writing about the setting sun and its sacred smile each dawn and dusk – regardless of who sees it, is a beautiful and powerful reminder for me. Thank YOU for your smile in my heart. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

    1. I too get demotivated temporarily but soon move on. But I tend to carry that feeling of hurt somewhere deep in some crevice of my heart. It is that, I find it difficult to flush out.
      Well, I am happy that I posed this question to all of you. I am overwhelmed at the level of maturity you all have. Definitely many take aways for me. Thanks Asha 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Whining is human nature and we all do at such times but moving on from such a situation or people who are thankless is healthy living. Mother Nature changes her hues and moods and conveys a subtle message through them. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  6. Great description of the vivid tones of dusk. Well, I do feel a tinge of disappointment if my efforts go unnoticed but I don’t wallow in it for very long. I find something else (a new project maybe) to move on.

    Liked by 2 people

  7. Beautiful post Radhika, may we humans learn to more frequently give with the
    seeming simplicity of nature.
    ” Its artistic flair continues unabated, without a feeling of remorse at the lack of appreciation. ”
    This is what real giving is about.


    Liked by 2 people

  8. Glorious moment of the day!!

    I feel, mortal human beings are prone to many weaknesses…one among them , the thirst for recognition or appreciation. To overcome that one has to attain ‘enlightenment’ and one should become a ‘detached observer’!!

    Liked by 2 people

  9. Lovely description of the hues of Sun. There’s always so much to learn from nature. And you are right… human beings always yearn for appreciation and acknowledgment and are easily demotivated if they don’t get due recognition. I’m still to learn this quality of nature. Your post is a good reminder 😊

    Liked by 2 people

  10. Our mother, our one and only first & sole teacher for life. A mother doesn’t mind (or atleast it seems so) if she is not or under appreciated for her efforts, she still continues doing her duty towards her family being undisturbed by the lack of appreciation for her efforts, I’m sure she must be basking in glory when she’s appreciated by family.
    I think, it’s similar with mother nature. She continues her work of painting on the huge canvas, throughout the world, day in and day out for her huge family. When we rest for a while to appreciate her beautiful art, she must be smiling, happy and proud of her creation. If not, she anyway blesses everyone with her goodies and bounties..
    I’ve just rambled my thoughts, hope it makes sense 🙄
    A very well written post Radhika !!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Good analogy Deepika. Absolutely, mother nature blesses all her children inspite of the total disregard we show her.
      From a mother’s point of view your thoughts make perfect sense. But when we step away from the role of being a mother, just as an individual, then we have to find ways to keep us going , in the absence of validation for good work done.
      Happy to read your perspective on this. Many thanks 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  11. I love to watch dusk and Sun at that time. It arose in me so many thoughts. I love to stay silent at that time and dive deep.
    You are absolutely right we always crave for appreciation, approval and recognition unlike the nature which is working untiring for us.
    Beautiful picture and soulful thought!

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Reading all the comments on here is a beautiful experience. There is a common stream of love ❤️ and understanding of our human nature. You have created a lovely post Radhika giving many of us time to reflect on an important part of life that touches us all. Thank you 🙂.

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Beautiful and amazing read as always Radhika…love the description of words❣️ incredible pic by the way…
    Hope your weekend ll be fantastic ❣️


  14. Lesson from nature 👌👌👌
    That’s True ….in this busy world, people hardly pause to admire this beautiful blessing at dusk, doesn’t make an iota of difference to its creative play of colors. 
    Nowadays many people , even students give importance to recognition & praise than anything. Some work hard for it , some employ certain techniques for it , some worry about recognition…..all want recognition and praise , they never utter a word about self satisfaction or self realisation . The fact that our generation ignoring is …recognition becomes good , only if it comes out of self satisfaction , no one is going to see anything in us that we don’t see in ourselves. SO we must stop waiting for a producer. Must Produce ourselves with our own potential without aiming recognition .
    Liked this post very much
    Keep sharing 💙

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    1. Well summarised Akshaya. Today even when one does receive appreciation, the feeling of happiness it gives is short lived. People once again are on the lookout for more validation, in the process making themselves vulnerable to a sense of dissatisfaction. Your last line is the mantra we all need to follow and move on. Thanks so much for sharing your valuable thoughts.


  15. Very rightly pointed out! Sometimes, we forget the natural beauty of our lives and run behind a kind of social recognition or status which, to be honest, we may never get. Love and hugs!❤️

    Liked by 1 person

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