Juxtaposing Mornings!


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A typical weekday morning in urban households is a mad rush against time. In most Indian homes, the chores and noise decibels  are directly proportional 🙂 . Waking up kids, getting them ready for school on time, the mixer whirring in the background, preparation of breakfast and feeding your picky child, packing lunch boxes for school and office, maid working around, the doorbell ringing, cell phone beeping,….it is literally a battle zone where every minute is crucial. And  god forbid, on just one of those bad days you hit the snooze button an extra few times, then the domino effect takes place spiraling the chaos beyond control. By the time you step out of home to head to work, you are totally exhausted. I think many will relate to this cacophonic morning ritual.

Change of scene….

Last week we happened to go on a short vacation. I woke up to a beautiful leisurely morning. Stepping out of the room, I had all the time to myself.  Believe me, nothing prepared me for the marvel of nature that was to unfold.

Idling on the hammock, I watched the blue yonder peeping between the green parasol of leaves, with its glorious heavenly smile. Wisps of clouds drifted along merrily. The gentle  rays of dawn cascaded coyly between the verdant hues with a prismatic glow. It was truly a sight to behold. The moist sea breeze softly caressed my body, whispering stories of the ebbing waves. The plethora of sounds of nature I heard, felt surreal. The chirps of the many birds, trill of the insects, rustling of the leaves, buzzing bees along with meandering butterflies, greeting pretty blooms and roar of the ocean waves….. Nature’s morning raga was divinely melodious. I lost the sense of time, enthralled by its picturesque harmony.

I couldn’t help but mull over the juxtaposing mornings!


V.J’s weekly challenge # 88 : Domino effect

Eugi’s  weekly prompt : Glorious

Also please do check out my poetry book “Eclectic Verses”, both in paper back and kindle edition. Have provided the link to the same. It is also available amazon kindle, kobo, google play and iBooks. Need your love and support in my maiden endeavor. Thank you 🙂






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