Gratitude & Prayer!


Since World war II, we haven’t been impacted by a situation as serious as what we are facing today, at a global level. Corona has altered our lives beyond imagination.

Many countries across the world have announced lock downs and curfews. Borders, flights, offices, everything except essentials have been shut down to contain the spread of virus. While the government has constantly reassured that it is taking adequate measures to contain the pandemic, people are getting paranoid. With no clue as to how long the situation may drag on, there is a sense of fear prevalent among the masses.

Confined within homes, we have come to realize how much we depend on a chain of people who ensure the smooth functioning of a society. Each one like a piece of jigsaw puzzle fits in, to complete the picture. We all work in tandem, complementing each other and completing the loop. But there is one sector of workers whose value or importance we as a society have always undermined. They are the sanitary workers, sweepers and cleaners. Given the shutdown orders, we have a skeletal housekeeping staff for a huge apartment complex. So garbage pickup and cleaning is now being done on alternate days. With no maids too, the entire family is chipping in to help with household chores. It’s only now that people realize the things and luxuries that we take for granted. It’s time we acknowledge their service with gratitude.

After decades today a pause button has been pressed in our otherwise hurried lifestyle.

Let’s take this moment to acknowledge and appreciate all who directly or indirectly contribute in making our lives better.

Let’s channelize our minds to  remain positive, join hands in prayer for the world to enter into a healing mode.

Pain, fear, experiences and overwhelming situations are great teachers in life.

Let’s hope that this challenging time, makes man emerge, a better human being!

Stay safe, stay blessed!



50 thoughts on “Gratitude & Prayer!”

  1. Great post. Gratitude of what we have is thhe first step in de-stressing this sitaution. No one wants to be on lockdown. But it is necessary. Acknowledging and appreciating what we have makes us focus on the positive instead of thhe ugly negative we have forced to face.

    Please take good care of yourself.
    Be safe.

    Liked by 5 people

    1. Thanks so much Drew for the good wishes.
      Out PM announced a 21 day nation wide lockout just now. I hope we can fight this virus. In the meantime we need to remind ourselves chapters of gratitude and appreciation for all those people selflessly serving us during these challenging times.
      Take care and be safe ❣️


  2. Great post! Yes, it’s a time for us to appreciate and self reflect. I’ve drafted something similar to post in the coming days as well.

    Take care! And stay safe!

    Liked by 3 people

  3. Radhika,
    Wonderful post! I absolutely agree with that the current situation it has given us an opportunity to appreciate the small things in life we usually take for granted. Therefore, like you, I is more important now than ever to express gratitude! I wrote a post on the current importance of gratitude along with 10 simple/effective strategies to help people implement this into their everyday life. I would love your thoughts on it!

    Liked by 1 person

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