I Dig Within…

Face, Soul, Head, Smoke, Light, Sad, Thoughts

All through my life, I sought solace in external validation

thriving on acknowledgement and appreciation

but, the excitement of happiness was fleeting,

before I succumbed to the feeling of nihility.

A gradual awareness elicits a perspective shift

I decide to dig within, peel out the layers to my core,

aghast, at musty cobwebbed sight I see.

The burden of emotional baggage I carry

shuts out light from seeping in.

I shed silent tears in that dark space,

as I ruminate on my purpose in life.

Finally I pick up the broom to clean

 stubborn stains of toxic grudges I hold,

discard the overwhelming burden of hurt.

As I open the windows of my heart,

  rays of sunshine permeate my soul

emanating a radiant glow within,

the happiness I feel now, is boundless!

I am still on this path to complete the deep cleansing of my soul, often failing and shutting the window. But, eventually, I do hope to let that sunshine into my core and envelop me in abundance of inner peace and happiness.

V.J’s weekly challenge : Dig

72 thoughts on “I Dig Within…”

  1. Great poem and great topic! And so very true Radhika, many of us could benefit from some scrubbing and cleaning of the cobwebs in our inner sanctum.
    Self introspection is a very powerful tool. To see bad in oneself needs tremendous courage and honesty. But it all makes us a much happier and contented person.

    Liked by 5 people

    1. I agree Deb. We are so caught up in the rigmarole of the mundane, that we hardly spend any time on introspection. Yes that cleaning definitely shines our inner light bright. Thanks so much and have a good day 🙂


  2. A poem of truth. We so much seek external validation. Lives pass and we stand where we were. On the island of stagnation and sorrow. It is only when we begin the discovery of our friend inside. A dear friend who validates us eternally. Who is unconditionally proud of us. It is only then that the baggage lessens.
    Your post reminds me of a quote in the Guru Granth Sahib which says that this external baggage lingers for centuries, eons. Across time and rebirth. Only when we seek the one inside that it goes off our back.
    How wonderful this post is. My warm respect.

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Parneet, your words resonate the absolute truth. Looking back I feel I was so immature and foolish to be caught in the web of my ego, other’s harsh words or lack of acknowledgment for that matter. Over a period of time, I have come to understand the futility of burdening myself with all this excessive baggage will make me unhappy, not only now, maybe in the coming lives too. I know this cleansing journey requires patient positive perseverance. But I am glad that I have taken the first step here and walked a bit in that direction. The light shall shine soon :). Thank you so much for sharing your input. Have a lovely day!!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Very good one. Liked reading it again and again. The progressive development of the theme is appreciated. Ends on a bright positive note. The images are excellent and word selection good. Wouldn’t ” brush” have been a better choice than “broom” to clean the toxic stains …?. Keep penning more.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you Shaji for your encouraging words.
      Agree, brush definitely is a better choice of word here. I associated broom more with cleaning, I guess :-).
      Truly appreciate your genuine feedback. Will look forward to them in future too 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  4. It is a tough way and the only way to grow Radhika. Beautiful thoughts and poem 👏

    Our Param Guru, Sri Sri Lahiri Mahasaya, used to say: Banat Banat ban jaye!! Striving striving you attain!!
    You are amazing and I wish you all the best

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I truly love this piece Radhika. It’s an important and painful process, but something I think we all need to (continually) go through; soul refinement. You wrote it beautifully.

    Liked by 3 people

  6. It’s a really important topic you’ve chosen here.
    While reading this I can relate to so many parts of my life..
    But as you said, I’m also on the path to complete the deep cleansing of my soul.
    But I do hope, so that I can say that:-
    ‘This part of my life, this little part is called Happiness’.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. I am so deeply touched by your poem, clearly speaking to me too – the pain of seeming non-existence that has us drown in to the dark corners of our own being as if. The cleansing journey is not for the faint, and yet the light is brilliant when it shines, and it does, I can feel your glow through this poem, very beautifully composed.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. It is easy to become complacent, to lose who we are while busy performing our everyday tasks. We need to take time out once in a while to reflect and assess our goals and our progress toward those goals. This is a lovely, relatable poem, Radhika. ❤ Have a wonderful day!

    Liked by 1 person

  9. What a beautiful poem Radhika truly sharing what matters most after stripping down what truly doesn’t and getting to the essence of our souls deepest yearnings. It’s always a cleansing of the soul! Lovely words penned! 💖❤️


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