In Hope…

Entrenched in a veil of misunderstanding,

our relationship treads on a path of frailty.

Tremors of raucous feelings erupt

whorls of pain rives my soul.

I hold on to the scraps of buried memories

imprisoning the unsaid words, within the fortress of my heart.

I tether firmly to the cord holding us together,

 hoping one day,

 the clamor of the incredulous mind clears.

Petals of integrity unfurls its magic

to rekindle the lost affinity, with a blossom of love!

Reena’s xploration challenge #192

Eugi’s weekly prompt : petals

93 thoughts on “In Hope…”

  1. The last 2 lines bring such beautiful hope 💛🙌🏼 unfortunately this pain is too familiar, inescapable in our human journey it seems if we were to be truthful to ourselves. There’s poetry that brings grace to life experiences and you are so incredibly talented at bringing such beauty of words in poetry❣️

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    1. This pain needs a lot of loving care and understanding to revive the relationship back. Only a few are willing to invest in it. Just hoping in this case it works. Thanks dear Pragalbha. Much humbled by your kind words of appreciation ❤️❤️

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  2. Oh this is too beautiful. ❤️❤️ I love the way you expressed it and how it ends with so much hope. Poignant yet beautiful. 💔
    Perfect picture for this poem. Thanks for sharing this dear Radhika. Have a wonderful weekend 🤝❤️

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  3. Painful! I am glad it ends well. ❤ I think all relationships tend to drift apart and then back together again, at frequent intervals, and they all need frequent maintenance to survive. It sounds like somebody ignored somebody for almost too long! Nicely done, Radhika!

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