E -Endangering Nature!

A to Z Challenge 2022 – Nature and I


Listen well while I tell you a story, of not so long ago.

Earth was a resplendent pristine aura of iridescent hues.

A tiara of verdant promise graced her flawless face,

she nurtured her earthlings with abundance.

The primordial man dwelled in harmony, under her benign bosom.

The passage of time, alters the rhythm of life,

greed eclipses man’s wisdom, as he dons a narcissist’s role.

Progress takes a dimension of untamed growth,

his scalpel pierces deep into her womb

 ears fall deaf to her heartrending cries.

 He stamps his carbon footprints on the planet

concretes conquer green duvets,

glaciers melt a teary deluge,

species disappear, marine creatures succumb to oil spills,

climate change makes an unwelcome entry.

Mercury exhales blazing inferno

flora and fauna wither under toxic pollutants

obscured greys and browns tint her visage

negligent dumping of plastic nauseates her

gaseous smog poisons her primeval soul.

Today she blows the bugle of warning,

for man to stop his fusillade of plunders.

Her wrath brings forth natural dissonance.

Life today is bordering on fringes of doom,

before she exhales fumes of deathly toxins.

It’s time we pay heed to those sirens

replace tainted solutions with sustainability,

 before nature’s sweet song fades away

overpowered by her screams for salvation,

until she breathes her last or we do!!

I am pained at man’s insatiable greed in plundering nature’s resources. In the name of progress, he has punctured her soul. The lockdown during the pandemic helped nature with a reset button, reclaiming her lost space and breath. We witnessed reduced air pollution, cleaner water bodies, animals and birds came out into the open, as we remained locked within our homes. This was probably the only silver lining of the pandemic.  Sadly, not much is learned from the pandemic. People and countries have gone back to their old ways. Only a handful of conscientious people are working relentlessly in conservation and restoration of our environment.

Doesn’t this teach us that if we respect the nature and its finite resources, we will be blessed with infinite blessings. It is time we pay heed to her cries, as she is all we have got.

You can read my earlier posts from this challenge here.

45 thoughts on “E -Endangering Nature!”

  1. Dear Radhika,
    I feel your pain as closely as you do, and I am sure like many others who care for this planet.
    Sometimes the journey of sustainability, conservation seems like a complete thankless job; as it is so tough to change mindsets. But I believe every drop in the ocean counts and so will ours. 🙂
    I wasn’t receiving your posts in my inbox for some odd reason. I’m glad I came, by. Been on a bit of a break myself too. But putting together a post on sustainability; which might lend a small glimmer of hope.
    Happy A-Zing 2022 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hey Natasha, WordPress has its moods. So not surprised at that 😃. Happy to see you here 🤗
      Well, I have hit the wall so many times in trying to make people incorporate small changes in everyday life towards a sustainable living, but with little success. Nevertheless the few who believe in this cause will carry on undeterred. Like you rightly said every drop counts.
      Looking forward to reading your post on sustainability. Keeping hopes of a change in people’s mindset alive. 💚

      Liked by 2 people

  2. The state Mother Earth is in is all man made.
    Humans (us) got blinded, modified values to mimic a future worthy only to soul less creatures. And what are we without souls? Nothing! Let’s reclaim our soulful values where we listen to the needs of Mother Earth: she has always had the answers.
    Hopefully we can still work to that end and realign with what is right.
    Thanks for your lovely Lovely write. Precious.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I agree with you Selma. She always has the answers…only we don’t pay heed to her cries and warnings. It’s still possible to realign our mindset towards restoration, if only we all take those tiny steps to heal her.
      Sending much gratitude and love to you my friend 💕

      Liked by 2 people

  3. Hi Radhika,
    Aptly penned the sorry state of our beloved planet. The lockdown proved that nature doesn’t need man, but man does need !nature and all that it has to offer to survive. Without human intervention, everything flourished. Well articulated

    Liked by 2 people

  4. I too share your pain and what humans have of our beautiful Mother Nature. Destroyed her completely. Hope we could do something for her otherwise we all will be doomed one day. Thanks for this beautiful poem, Radhika and the perfect picture too.

    Liked by 1 person

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