Oh no !!Did I do that??

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What do you do, when you land yourself in a soup? Nothing much I guess, except that, you wish to possess Harry’s invisibility  cloak and disapparate from there!!

An incident that happened years ago, yet so fresh in my memory, rattles me even today. My husband’s office had organised a two day trip to Pondicherry. Day one was great, meeting new people, playing games and a lovely evening at the beach. Next morning we all gathered at the hotel restaurant for breakfast before heading out for sightseeing. An elaborate spread lay on the table. My son who was about 4 years old, wanted to have cornflakes. The cornflakes was kept in a long glass jar. Kids at that age have a fierce streak of independence in them, wanting to do everything by themselves. Very confidently he lifted the jar to put some cornflakes into the bowl himself. Marching behind him and warning him that he might spill it down, I took the jar from him to put some cornflakes into the bowl. And lo behold……to my horror the lid of the jar gave way and all the cornflakes fell down, scattered all over the floor. I froze!!! I could feel the heat rising to my cheeks, did I really just do that? OMG! with the eyes of all the fellow diners on me, I was so embarrassed. Aggrrhh……… My son had a hearty laugh with an expression of “You asked for it Mom”……… 😉 !!

Did you have any such “Oh no! did I do that ?” moments ???

Image Courtesy : http://www.writebynight.net