Power of words!


A bullet once fired from the gun, passage of time and the spoken words, never come back.

There are 3 elements in the above quote, (i) bullet; (ii) Time and (iii) Words. No intelligence is needed that a bullet has the power to kill and it is common sense that there is a time span for everything and everyone. Words are the strongest weapon a person can have. It can not only kill, terrify, petrify but can praise, inspire and persuade.

What do you think is the power of Words; will you believe me if I say words have the power to kill? Maybe not. Let me narrate a small story to prove the same. In the Solomon Islands in the South Pacific, some villagers practice a unique form of cutting a tree. If a tree is too large to be felled with an axe, the natives cut it down by yelling at it.  The woodcutters creep up on a tree just at dawn and suddenly scream at it at the top of their lungs. They continue this for thirty days. The tree dies and falls over. According to the villagers shouting and abusing kills the spirit of the tree. This method has never failed them. When words can kill, it’s impossible to deny the fact that they are just merely signs and letters.

I am sure you will agree with me that words have energy and power to help, heal, hinder, hurt, harm, humiliate, humble and persuade .In a small village there was a little conflict between people as to whether god existed or not … To solve this the village headman decided to conduct a debate between a theist and an atheist and whoever won this debate was right. All the villagers agreed and the debate started early morning. A marathon session followed and finally ended the next day! By then the theist became an atheist and the atheist became a theist … Whether the villagers got their answer or not, we don’t know. But for sure we can conclude by saying that words have immense power! And with thoughts and words synchronised we can do wonders!

Words are what we use to express our self, our thoughts and our feelings. We use words in every walk of our lives and hence the power of words is immense. The impact of words on different people varies because it depends on their understanding and the tone with which the speaker has spoken.

“Words, so innocent and powerless as they are, as standing in a dictionary, how potent for good and evil they become in the hands of one who knows how to combine them.” Nathaniel Hawthorne.

Words are most powerful messenger of your thoughts. Do you agree with me?




An Envelope-My story!


Yes, you guessed it right. I am an envelope, the carrier of messages across the world.

A simple sheet of paper and some adhesive is all that is required to create me. But I am glad that from my insipid and dull persona, people have given me a makeover. I now feel so colourful and attractive. I am basking in all the attention my looks are able to garner ❤ !

I am the bearer of the news to people across different countries.  I travel the globe, even to the remotest corner of the world, without a passport. Ain’t  I lucky ;-).

I have had the privilege to deliver the good and the bad news.

Many a smile I have brought to their faces, when I arrive with pleasant stories and news. The birth of a young one, a promotion order, a cheque enclosed, an invitation, a holiday itinerary, and son returning home and so on.

But when I am the harbinger of sad news, my tender shoulders hurt carrying the emotional burden sealed within me. I am not allowed to share it with any of my other mates too.  I dread to face the scenes of gloom with tears overflowing generously from the heart broken souls.

These days, thanks to the rapid development of technology, I am getting a lot of rest. My travel has reduced tremendously. They are mostly official trips. Since I have also reached a ripe old age, this suits me fine. Also the emotional burden off my shoulders is a huge relief, as people use the mobiles to convey the unpleasant news.

Just a few more years of life in me. Then you all will pay your tributes for the wonderful work I did all my life. Maybe an obituary in the Newspaper as a mark of respect for my selfless service.” R. I. P – The envelope”