The Connect!

The sun rises, unveiling a misty dawn,

 a whiff of cool breeze envelopes my senses,

awakening me, from my dreamy slumber.

I amble across the organic trail

following the warble of the birds.

Enamoured by its pristine glory,

I scour for my camera to capture its beauty.

I sift through the junk in my bag for a paper,

to write a befitting ode to her splendour.

And then, I stop…

I sit on her lap, soaking in the magnificence of her grandeur

and fill her scents, within the deepest crevices of my soul.

My heart overflows with gratitude for the gift this beautiful day,

for, the photographs and poems do not do justice to its flawless allure.

One has to hear and feel the heartbeat of nature to connect with her.

Eugi’s Moonwashed Weekly Prompt – Misty Rise

Mystic Misty Morn!

green trees on green grass field during daytime

Driving through the meandering mountain roads,

surreal allure beckons.

Each bend wrapped in a misty cloak descending from heaven,

unravels a beauteous splendor.

The boughs weighed down by the tender dew drops,

greet with a cheery sway.

Gentle breeze cajoles clouds, laden with moist feelings of emotions,

spray showers of pristine shimmering droplets.

The dreamy serenity emits an aura of empyrean reflection

across the lilac hues of the horizon.

My imperfect soul enjoys, perfect moments of solitude

soaking in the ethereal calm of a new dawn.