

Pillars, concrete, skyscrapers,

greens gobbled up by the greys

the natural rocky terrain

bulldozed recklessly,

fly overs crisscrossing

a congested mayhem prevails.


Erratic weather, hotter summers

whimsical moods of the rains

winters gone into hibernation,

the starry night sky enshrouded

under a perpetual veil of smog.


Commuters braving the

serpentine traffic lines

inching ahead at snails pace

blatant disregard to rules

patience a waning virtue

burdened by stress and chaos.


Calm and relaxed lifestyle

seems to be a dream of yore.

Where is my city heading to,

in the name of progress,

Can’t it see the deadly noose

waiting to choke it to death?



Please pardon my rant…..the result of getting stuck in a traffic jam for over 2 hours!

Tanka – Transport & Exercise

In response to Elise’s weekly poetry challenge #81 using the prompt words Transport & exercise.


Transport woes persist

a gigantic exercise

manoeuvring the

serpentine vehicles lined

traffic nightmare on the roads!