Himalayan Ecstasy

Sharing a few pictures of the Mighty Himalayas on our visit to the holy shrine of Badrinath, a few years back. The spectacular scenic beauty enroute and the positive vibrations at the temple rejuvenated the body and soul.

“The magnificent mountains of the Himalayas soared up to the heavens to kiss it, the clouds whispering and caressing its high peaks. Serrated and snow-capped, these gigantic mountains were a sight to behold. The eyes admiring the pristine beauty in awe, the heart soaking in the pure energy of the tranquil atmosphere and the mind experiencing the spiritual bliss.  The evening rays of the sun painting its peak to a golden blush. Standing in front of the majestic mountains felt like the eons of time stood still. ”

Salt n pepper
Jagged edge
Romancing the mountains
Whispering clouds
Rendezvous heights
Picture 245
Careless Wisps
Picture 252
Sentries of the North citadel
Picture 265
Dusk beckoning the hills
Picture 266
Golden blush
Sun shades

22 thoughts on “Himalayan Ecstasy”

  1. Rightly said, Radhika. The beauty of Himalaya is impeccable! Lovely pics..
    When did you start writing blogs? Looking forward to read some interesting articles from you. Best wishes!


  2. Sweet and short, Radhika. Amazing and beautiful pictures..Sends a shiver down the spine to view such gigantic beauties !!!!


  3. The exhilarating photographs of mother nature and the equally exquisite write up blend beautifully to leave the viewer mesmerized … Thanks for sharing.


  4. The beautiful Himalayas are always a visual treat
    and give such a peace to the soul. Very well written with beautiful pictures. I love your calm Nature. Can feel the spirit in your writing.


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