Alphabet W – Words! Choose Them Well……

A to Z Challenge


** Theme : Kaleidoscope of thoughts **


A to Z, the 26 letters of the alphabet. All by itself so helpless and limp. But when they join hands together, they attain a new dimension. They acquire the identity of”Words”. The power of words is so intense, that it can leave a lasting impression on the reader. They can create magic or spell doom,  be mysterious or put you in misery, make you fall in or out of love, they can lift up your spirits or push you into an abyss, they can start a revolution or help peace prevail.

Words are very powerful messengers of your thoughts. So use them wisely.

“A bullet once fired from the gun, cannot be recalled. So it is with words. “



Choose your words well for, they can build bridges for relationships to tread on

Choose your words well else, they can sever ties with the blink of an eye.

Choose your words well for, they can inspire and transform an entire nation

Choose your words well else, they can retard and thwart ones growth.

Choose your words well for, they heal and are therapeutic

Choose your words well else, they strangle and stab ones esteem.

Choose your words well for, they are the nectar to the soul

Choose your words well else, they poison the mind with a veil.

Choose your words well for, they liberate thoughts to freedom

Choose your words well else, they hold hope in captivity.

Choose your words well for, they give wings to ones fantasy to soar

Choose your words well else, they  clip one’s creative instincts.

Choose your words well for, they nourish every breath with positivity

Choose words well else, they negate the spirit of life!





34 thoughts on “Alphabet W – Words! Choose Them Well……”

  1. Radhika, your blog on letters strewn in a string of wisdom into an exiqisite necklace of pearls speak for themselves..

    “La jaajwab hai”

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Look before you leap and think before you speak – an old proverb and one that I chant to myself constantly as I am very quick tempered!!!

    Visit my blog for the Pergrination Chronicles as I meander through the AtoZchallenge where I am telling travel tales by the alphabet!!

    ​Wish upon the stars

    Liked by 1 person

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