Lost in the Wilderness…

In response to The Sunday Whirl, #443 to weave the above words together.

The trek into the woods with friends went totally awry. The adventurous I, ventured off limits. The tumble down the slope, left me bruised and alone.

Lost in the wilderness, I tried to figure a way out. The air reeked of pungent forest smells. Howl and cries of the wild beasts echoed. Dark foreboding clouds loomed over the dense canopy of trees. The silhouettes seemed to draw an eerie imagery against the darkness. My heart was pounding loud. I felt something move slyly to my side and let out a shriek. Taking to my heels, I turned and ran far. Panting and gasping for breath, I eased my steps a bit.

Suddenly I felt a piercing pain grip through my arm. I could feel blood trickling down. Fear and panic gripped me. I felt myself losing control, when a pair of strong arms held me before I slipped into a dark void….

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