Where am I?

 I tread along the cobbled path early one morn,

to be greeted by a deserted street, echoing a sinister laugh.

A once familiar place bustling with activities, today stands bare.

It was only yesterday, lively mirth resonated here.

Heavenly aromas wafted from the bakers,

children pranced around,

guffaws of zealous grey-haired men, relaxing over a mug of beer,

the buzz of animated chatter, filled the air.

Today, there isn’t a sound or soul,

but, only a deathly silence hangs.

Am I scuffling with a nightmare,


 did I actually walk into, the other dimension?

Sadje’s WDYS prompt #101

57 thoughts on “Where am I?”

      1. You’re welcome my dear Radhika..! I’m very happy to see your comment..! Yes dear, I was in a small break..! But now I came back..! I’m doing good my dear..! Thanks a lot for asking..! What’s about you?🤗🤗❤️✨


  1. Wow, what an exquisite poem, marking the contrast between the street then and the street now. Can’t wait for the aroma from the bakers’ place to adorn the desolated street yet again! Wonderful take on the prompt, Mam! 💕

    Liked by 1 person

  2. This really resonated with me, Radhika. I really like that unexpected ending. I remember those early hard-lockdown days with the near-deserted streets and the strange after-curfew silence, waking up one night and wondering if I’d somehow fallen into a dystopian world of my own creation.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Your poetry brings that deserted place so alive – with the memories of past and the current emotion. It is exactly how it felt in our world these couple of years – is it a dream, or some reality from another dimension? You are so talented with these prompts and poetry itself.

    Liked by 1 person

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