G – Gloomy Winter!

A to Z challenge : Nature and I

You can read the previous posts of the challenge here


Some find the bleary monotone of the placid winter very depressing. They feel stifled under the gloomy alabaster blanket. Bare branches burdened under the weight of the snow, the whining wind blowing with piercing bite of chill, hazy outlines against a misty backdrop, the sun doing the disappearing act, dampens their spirits.

But there is so much more happening under the frosty panorama. Things are on a hibernating mode during this cold season. Sitting indoors within the warmth of my cozy room, I indulge in frozen conversations with myself. I watch the snowfall out of my window. They swirl and pirouette with poise, before falling to the ground. They melt without a worry, accepting the law of the nature with grace. Winter showcases beauty in monochrome. To me it speaks in its hushed silence, nudging me to “just be”. It’s a time to be quiet and ruminate.

Winter forms our character and brings out our best – Tim Allen

The earth moves on unflinchingly on its course heralding a change in season. The first rays of spring thaw the frozen rhapsody, spurt tender green sprouts, before a burst of blooms adorn the landscape. Likewise, the thoughts ideate within me, to finally emerge brimming with vigor. Slowing down, definitely gives me an impetus to growth. Winter is a season for reflection, recovery, perseverance and rebuilding.

lingering season

the white winter solitude

confetti of thoughts

31 thoughts on “G – Gloomy Winter!”

  1. What should I say, Radhika…
    My words might sound gloomy if I try to evaluate your writing. A beautiful imagery of winter, snowfall and a wonderful idea to reflect and move ahead in life. From gloom to bloom ❣️💖

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Hi Radhika,
    The Rhapsody of Winter. It is my favorite season. Snowfall, classic fireplace with blazing fire, hot cocoa, and a good book to read. What more do I need? Great writeup as usual. You created wonderful imagery with your words.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Beautiful writing about winter! I will be honest, I do not like cold weather and lived in it for 8 years. The snow was beautiful to watch falling, but I never felt warm from October to June. Now I live where the winter is mild and the summer heat brutal but I still will take that over the cold winter day.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. ” frozen conversations with myself.” – I loved these words. I enjoyed the energy of the slow burst of spring that thaws out the winter and allows ideas to bloom from within us. It is a treat to be in this rich experience of your words.

    Liked by 1 person

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