Celebration Time!

Photo of Fireworks Display

This morning brought a pleasant news for me. A message from WordPress reminded the forgetful me, that it is my blog’s 4th anniversary.

Well, I can’t believe that time has flown by so fast since my first post.  My journey from an absolute novice, to now, has been an enriching one. It’s been a privilege to read the works of some amazing writers here. All of you have been a constant source of inspiration and encouragement to me. My learning and growth embodies a reflection of you all. (I am still work in progress, though 🙂 ).

Thanks to your encouragement, I published my maiden book of poetry and haiku titled “Eclectic Verses” (available on amazon). My writings are simple, from the heart. It is the love of my readers that has helped me tide this far.

I am truly grateful for all the support, likes, comments and encouragement from my readers from across the globe. You have been my lifeline, helping me stay afloat in the ocean of blogosphere. I am glad to have such a diverse set of readers. There are the loyalists, who comment on each of my posts, (eternally indebted to them), the occasional peepers, who drop by sometimes, the silent likers, the wholesale likers (who like a dozen or more posts, at one go in a jiffy ;-)). No matter who you are, I am genuinely thankful to each one of you.  Each like and comment still carries the same joy, as the first one.

Melange of thoughts waft by

fall as contours of ink on a page

words fill them with color

to etch them in this vast expanse

giving them, an eternal identity!

Before I sign off, I would like to understand from you, what is the one thing about my writing that makes you come back to read it?

Once again a big thank you to one and all. Stay safe and stay blessed.




Happy Anniversary!


Thoughts conceived, words birthed

inked on the blogsphere,

another milestone,

today radhikasreflection

turned a terrific 3!


तनहा निकले थे अपने यादों के सफर में,

आपके साथ ने, इसे बेहद खूबसूरत बना दिया.


Embarked on a solitary journey with my thoughts

your company has made it a memorable one!


A big thank you to all my blogger friends for the constant support through your likes, feedback, encouragement, difference of opinion and appreciation. Believe me each one of you have contributed to this growth in me.

Your responses, like the gentle rays of the sun warms my heart. Signing off with a request to continue this beautiful patronage of love.