What inspires you?


The journey of life is all but smooth. Laden with obstacles, bitter relationships, unfavorable situations, many times life frustrates and hurts us. People, situations, health, environment and many other factors impede our progress ahead, testing our tenacity. In such a scenario we have two options. Either give in to it or bounce back resilient and strong, to continue on the path. Obviously the first option is not a great choice. So how does one exercise the second option?

Family and friend’s support means a lot in such situations. They provide a soothing balm on our bruises and help us heal and get over a problem.

But other than people, there are things which provide a cushioning, when blows strike hard on us or when we face a heart breaking situation. Be it books, music, prayers, travel, solitude, they all inspire and motivate us to persevere without giving up.

My ally or inspiration in such times has always been, drowning in some soulful music in solitude. The reflection, introspection and at times letting the tears just flow has always had a cathartic influence on me. With the cobwebs of my mind cleared, it aids in lucidity of coming to a rational decision.

So, today I would like to know, what and not who inspires you when the going gets tough?

Overcoming Obstacles!

In response to secretkeeper.net’s weekly writing prompt #116. The challenge is to use the 5 words given below (or their synonyms ) in a poem or flash fiction.



Obstacles halt your path

life punches hard, kicks you down

bruised and distraught

the spirit is deflated.


Entangled in a web of turmoil

the urge to quit is strong

but the mind refuses to surrender

trying to find the key to the chaos.


With the head held high

embracing faith and courage

the veil of troubles lay untangled

to view the colours of the rainbow.


Wounds turn into wisdom

courage replaces fear,

bitter feelings become better

honed and chiselled ,

you emerge stronger!