Random Musing – A Peek into the Future!

Anna Loenenko@unsplash

The rapid technological strides, paints bold strokes of change,

of the world that may be, in the times to come.

Flux of artificial living, incarcerates all things natural.

Emotions ossified by automated wiring of the heart

 bereft of feelings, nonchalant cryptic conversations ensue,

measured capsules, replace warm home cooked food.

Thoughts of people audible through a scan,

robotic intelligence commands erudite brains,

human touch lynched by technology.

Man, lives on a programmed existence.

A century from now, way of life may be unfathomable!

Lost Emotional Quotient!

Reena’s Exploration Challenge #165

Look closely at the pictures above. Choose one or more, and think what are they doing together. Will they remain entwined or go their own way? Was their act or intent good or evil? Could they do whatever they planned to do together, or fell apart?

I have chosen the 3rd picture – The human hand and that of a robot for this challenge.

Man, the most intelligent species,

created artificial intelligence,

stepping into innovative technological frontiers,

taking automation to dizzying heights.

Breathing in greyscale monotony,

he put  life into chromed metal bodies.

With a system of inputs, circuits and codes

programmed to perfection,

Robots, obeying his every command

be it compute, abort, destroy…

performing each task with finesse.

With its heart full of wires, bereft of feelings,

the vitals of emotional connect seems missing.

In today’s environment,

Is man becoming his own creation?