Haunted Halloween!

In response to Kat’s twittering tale # 107, to write a tale in 280 characters or less on the pictures given below.

Photo by dlife88 at Pixabay.com
Photo by Capri23auto at Pixabay.com
Photo by simonwijers at Pixabay.com

Amy decided to take the spookiness level of her Halloween party a notch higher. The haunted house in the woods with ravens clucking around, the crinkled pumpkins added to the eeriness. But, the hands creeping around the trees was not a part of the theme….now fear gripped her!

Letter count : 279

Brave or Foolhardy?

In response to Kat’s 280 letter twittering tale # 61. The challenge this week is:


This week…a twist. The photo below by MorningbirdPhoto at Pixabay.com features someone holding a stack of books. Now, you can write a tale about this book lover…or if you’re up for a challenge, pick one of the books and write your tale based on the title. And let’s take it up a notch if you’re really up for a challenge…choose several titles and incorporate them into your story! The possibilities are endless! I’ll see you at the roundup next week! 😊

My tale for the prompt is:

The Swiss family Robinson traveled Far North on vacation. Visiting the “Maze” at The Monster of Hollows declared the eeriest place , was on their list. Braving their fears, they went on. “Called to Die”  read the spooky signage. Clutching the Holy Bible in his pocket, he prayed!

Letter count: 276