Shattered Dreams!

In response to

Daily prompt : Constant


secretkeeper’s weekly writing challenge #129, to use the 5 prompt words in a poem or fiction.



My dreams roughly jerked away

drifting into oblivion,

for I have to fulfil my parent’s legacy

“A family of doctors are we

and that’s what you are to be.”

my fate decided and sealed!


science is beyond my comprehension


the world of words fascinates me

I paint my characters with ease

who come alive, as I dress them

with magical verses,

A writer is who, I aspire to be


my  scarlet tears, anguished screams and earnest pleas

all fall mute to their distant ears.


My calm persona is just a facade

to hide my shattered soul

mocked and scoffed at,

helpless and hollow within,

I chalk out a plan to escape

the constant storm of tirades.


I sign a pact in the dark

with the god of death

I am sure he will welcome me,

with open arms into a world of my dreams

where only the paper and pen

will be my “soul” companion!