

The air pregnant with the northern winds

embraces the earth with a shivering hug

kisses the dull morning sky with a misty spell

under the blanket of the opaque fog.

A witness to this winter morning ritual

the coy and shy flowers smile tenderly

the gentle rays of the sun peeking

through the stale grey clouds

creating gleaming patterns of mosaic

on the landscape painted in a monochrome.

Buried greenery, frosted pathways

lashing winds, chattering teeth,

smoky conversations and frozen whispers,

It’s time to enjoy the seasonal beauty

that winter brings along!


In response to daily prompt : Conversation

Daily Prompt – Cozy!


Lost in a dreamy slumber

snuggling under the blanket

in the warmth of the cozy bed,

the cocoon of  the lulling reverie

shattered by the shrill of the alarm

to be snoozed, until it loses patience

and goes off again, its ire more obvious!

Oh, it is such a gigantic effort

to get out of bed on a cold winter morn!