Daily Prompt – Impression


I have a dream!

To soar my wings into the wide blue yonder,

And reach for the stars.

To tread on a path defined by me,

learn, fall  and  grow.

 To swim the ocean of life

against all the currents.

Bestow faith in my abilities,

let my talent make an impression on you,

not my beauty,

 see me emerge victorious.

Let me live my dream!

I am unique, I am special

I am me, a girl!


Ic: Painting by my daughter.

65 thoughts on “Daily Prompt – Impression”

  1. These lines “bestow faith in my abilities, let my talent make an impression, not my looks” really connected with me. I have always wanted and will always want to be more than just a pretty face. I want to work and prove my caliber. Beautifully written Radhika, felt so motivated after reading this 👍.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Well, well well ……jingling bell!!!!. It is the marvelous drawing by Aditi, that made an impression on you for penning such an inspiring poem.

    ” I am unique, I am special

    I am me, a girl!”

    Sure…… , we are all proud of you both GIRLS.

    Liked by 1 person

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