Sounds of Nature!

The trill of the cicadas

gurgle of the brook,

buzz of the insects,

 howl of the winds,

rustle of the leaves,

lashing of the rains,

 roar of the thunder,

 rumble of the waves,

 chirp of the birds,

 plop of the raindrop,

the music rendered by

nature’s orchestra

doesn’t need a conductor

 acoustics, fusion, melody blend seamlessly

as each artist plays in perfect symphony

to create a soul swaying rendition!

64 thoughts on “Sounds of Nature!”

  1. Radhika, a beautiful celebration of ‘nature’s orchestra’ where you capture the magic of the cacophony of the trees, plants, insects and animals. It is a richness for us all, healing, soothing, entertaining, dramatic … and on top of that totally free!

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