
Shweta’s 6 word story prompt #46 : Family

Family, Love, Heart, Red, Mother, Little Girl, Father
  1. Branched out, but connected by roots.
  2. Family love is the strongest bond.
  3. The war snatched away his family.
  4. The orphan pined for family love.
  5. Family helped him overcome his depression.
  6. Infant to grandparents, a loving timeline.
  7. Perfect mix of love, fight, happiness.
  8. Family – a priceless treasure, cherish it!

78 thoughts on “Family!”

  1. The first one so poetic! I like how each one shows a variation on family, like multiple definitions. You’ve made a philosophical history of family! And your conclusion is as it should be, I think!

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      1. Though I too didn’t get an opportunity to live in a joint family, I have seen a few of them. They get along so well and everyday is a kind of celebration. Their commaraderie is so wonderful ❣️

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  2. A newborn child is like an urn, pure, clean and without a thing.
    Family and its members are the colors that fill its empty spaces.
    Now where does the shades of rainbow come from and where does the hues of black and white emerge, is a retrospect.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. lovely stories! very well explained and sums up what family truly is! i truly enjoyed this post, thank you for sharing💞

    Follow @everythingtips for tips and recommendations if interested! It would mean a lot to me!🥺🤍

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