Tiny Tale – Hiding!

Alexandr Ivanov@pixabay.com

Two 20 word stories…

  1. Hiding her fears and anxiety, taking a deep breath, she finally jumped off the cliff.  Bungee jumping was fun afterall!

2. To the world, she was a gorgeous model. No one saw her bruises hid carefully behind the makeup and smile.

In response to Bulbulbubble’s Twenty word story prompt : Hiding

70 thoughts on “Tiny Tale – Hiding!”

  1. 1. I was terrified when I read that she jumped off a cliff then relief that it was just a bungee jump 😅

    2. Behind the beautiful facade there’s the chaos.

    Great stories 👏🏼

    Liked by 2 people

      1. Nice style of writing 😄
        By the way, I’m trying to gather some bloggers to join in on a Blog Directory that I’m creating. This will help bloggers discover new blogs to follow. Would you like to join? If you do, I need to borrow your time to fill up some details about your blog, if that’s alright. 😁It’s all here in this link: https://giganticthoughtbubble.blog/2020/09/04/blog-directory/
        Thank you! I hope you’ll join. 🤗

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Poignant and true. You’re so right. The world doesn’t need to see our bruises. They are ours and we will heal them. So much meaning in twenty words. I reiterate my original views. “You are definitely gifted with talent.” warm regards

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Oh, I love both of these! They have similar angles, except one chose to take a risk, the other thought it was best to stay hidden. Reminded me of so many instances in our lives, when we’re torn between those two. Excellent writing ❤️

    Liked by 1 person

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